VBS at West-Ark Handout
Its for Everybody!
June 15 18
6:00 PM every evening
Whats the schedule each night?
- 6:00 6:30 PM Everyone (children and adults) assemble in the auditorium for opening program
- 6:30 7:45 PM
- Children through 6th grade will follow their family tribes and go to marketplace and other classes
- Teens 7th 12th will go to marketplace and/or follow family tribes.
- Adults who are serving at VBS will go to their stations
- All other adults can choose one of four breakout classes (see below)
- 7:45 8:00 PM Assemble in auditorium for closing event
I can help in VBS! Who do I contact?
- Marketplace Shops Contact Karen Benjamin
- Family Tribes Rochelle Brown
- Making Bread Sign-up in Foyer
- All other questions Dena Jenkins or Staci James
- Teen Workers Chris Benjamin or Jackie Sofio (452-1240)
- Breakout Classes for Adults Chris Benjamin
What will Teens (7th-12th) be doing?
- Teens are encouraged to help adults in the marketplace shops, family tribes, classes, nursery, and opening program dramas.
- Teens will participate in work days to help set-up and rehearse on June 11-14
What are the Breakout Classes for Adults?
- Youve Seen the Skit, Now Read the Book! Room 100
- A Bible class based on the Scripture for each evening
- The Parenting Odyssey Room 106
- Equipping parents to teach their children about family, proper behavior, sexuality, and faith.
- Curing the Financial Stresses of Life Room 203
- Discussing biblical principles for managing finances throughout life.
- The Gospel and Our Culture Room 211
- Discovering elements of spirituality, faith, and gospel in contemporary music and television.
Please help us by registering on-line at www.westark.org/vbs.htm
Please register to assist or to attend.
Keep watching the bulletin and order of worship for more details about VBS.