Family Lines Newsletter, February 9, 2003
**Sobering Reminders**
By David Chadwell
The past several weeks I find this thought to be common as my week begins.  "I wonder what totally unexpected happening will become a part of this week's awareness?"  Every week it seems jobs are lost.  Every week we hear of someone we knew who died unexpectedly.  Every week we hear of someone strong in faith experiencing personal struggles.  Every week we learn of a family in crisis.  Every week the news from North Korea is increasingly serious.  Every week we are reminded the Afghanistan war is real.  Every week indicators suggest we move closer to war with Iraq.  Then something occurs like the Colombia space shuttle exploding in its attempt to return to earth.
Doom and gloom?  No.  Sobering? Yes.  For years we were so comfortable in our lives, so comfortable in our faith, so comfortable in our plans, even so comfortable in our anticipated futures that we tended to be blind to reality.  We defined security in terms of possessions and lifestyles.  We defined God's promises and blessings in terms of our material desires.  We defined relationship with God in terms of affirming the correct practices as we followed the correct system.
Disappearing jobs, disappearing lives, disappearing strengths, disappearing relationships, disappearing peace, and the unexpected confront past tendencies.  If we are not careful, when such confrontations assault our past tendencies they also assault our faith.  If we are not careful, such assaults on our faith quickly become assaults on our relationship with God.
Consider these reminders repeatedly stressed throughout the Bible.
1. God is the only certain reality.  Nations rise and fall.  Cultures rise and fall.  Societies rise and fall.  Leaders rise and fall.  The strong rise and fall.  The wealthy rise and fall.  Those who live for pleasure rise and fall. The God Who created endures.  He was before this world began.  He will remain when this world ends.  Wise is the man or woman who is in relationship with God.
2. Relationship with God promises the strength to endure struggles, not freedom from struggles.  Abraham lived in dangerous situations.  David fled to the wilderness.  Jesus was a target.  Paul faced unimaginable hardships.  Yet, each found the strength to endure from a relationship with God.
3. The greater our dependence on God, the greater is our strength from God.  Paul thought his effectiveness in his God-given mission significantly would improve if opposition ended.  If God removed his opposition, he could get so much more done for Christ!  The Lord's response:  "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9).  The Lord's way of looking at Paul's situation totally changed the way Paul saw his situation.  "Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may dwell in me" (above verse).
4. Never forget the goal is to follow Christ as you place life in God.  Never forget that you are in this world, but not of this world.
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**VBS 2003**
In preparation for our upcoming VBS "Christ's Chosen," we are in need of fabric for costumes.  We can use any solid, stripe, or white sheets or comparable fabric (no florals please). There will be a container in the foyer. We also need several seamstresses to make simple costumes.  If you can help with this, please contact Carolyn Harrell (646-3325) or Dena Jenkins (478-6486). If you have any costumes, please return them as soon as possible. We need to inventory them so that we know what our needs are for this year.
**LTC Announcement**
All Pre-convention Packets for LTC must be postmarked BEFORE February 18. Please mail them before the deadline.
**LTC Practices**
Drama, 4:00 p.m.
Puppets, 5:00 p.m.
Chorus, 6:15 p.m.
**Wednesday Night Bible Class**
We have completed our study of the book of Jonah. Next week, Feb. 12th, we'll make application. The following Wednesday, Feb. 19th we'll begin a study of Malachi. This class is taught by David Chadwell and meets in the Auditorium on Wednesday nights after the devotional. Everyone is invited.
**Ladies' Night**  With Cassandra Martin
Tuesday Evening, March 4th
West-Ark Church of Christ
Refreshments & Visiting: 6:30 p.m.
Cassandra will begin speaking at 7:00 p.m.
on the topic "Living Water for Dusty Souls"
This is an informal evening.
No sign-up sheets; no cost involved.
Please bring your Bibles, your daughters,
your friends, and co-workers.
Cassandra Martin has written a series of Bible study workbooks
for women entitled Women Opening the Word, which includes
Paul: By the Grace of God, Books 1 & 2;
Echoing His Heartbeat: The Life of David and God,  and God, Pass By Me.
Her newest book, The Shadow of the Cross, is scheduled for release this year.
**Winter Retreat** February 7-9
Siloam Springs, AR
Theme: "Going For Broke"
More information on page 4.
Please remember in prayer all those who are traveling to Winter Retreat.
**David's Sermons**
Sunday Morning: Eyes That See, Ears That Hear
Sunday Evening: "Skip Over" Scriptures, Romans 16 (Part II)
**GOT KIDS??**
Let Us Keep You Out of the Dog House this Valentine's Day!
Mexico Mission Team Babysitting
Friday, February 14, 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. in the FLC and Nursery.
Food and fun provided!
Donations Appreciated!
Sign up at the Mexico Mission table in the Foyer.
Walk-ins welcome!
**Tired of Being In The Red?**
Coming March 9-10 "No Debt, No Sweat"
A Life-Changing Seminar Teaching God's Way of Handling Money.
* How to get out of debt
* A, B, C's of Christian Money Management
* How to do a successful spending plan
* A Do-it-yourself Credit Repair Kit
* How Mutual Funds Work
* Retire with dignity
Make plans now to attend.
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**In Our Thoughts and Prayers**
* Deborah Wilson's father, Bert Brown, had a heart cath February 3rd. He is scheduled for additional heart treatments.
* Marion Hastings (father of Sue) is in Sparks Hospital. 
* Mary Gates (mother of David Gates) had surgery February 6th at St. Edward Hospital.
* Allen Wells (father of Joyce Chadwell) will enter the hospital next week for surgery. Joyce's parents live in Crossville, TN.
* Gail Stevens is still in St. Edward Hospital, room 3521. 
* G. C. Stone requests prayers for his friend, Waldo Thomas who was diagnosed with leukemia.
* Continue to pray for all Virgil Kirchner, Anita Maxwell, Erma Beshears, Sandy Berger, Kathy Bauer, Vicki Varvel, and Sandy Thurman.
**Mission Work & Travel**
Jerry Canfield (Nigeria)
Jim Wilson (Ethiopia)
John Paul & Ruby Lee Hundley (France)
Thomas & Kindy Kweekul (Thailand)
Bill Wilson (son of James and Deborah) was baptized Sunday morning.  He shared this statement with the congregation.
"I have, for a long time, been living a life far away from all that is right. I've ignored God and His people, continually sought after personal pleasure, yet, only found that pain and complete emptiness is ultimately, all the world offers. I realize I've caused pain and hurt for more than just myself during my trip to the bottom of the "pleasure slide" and am sincerely asking for forgiveness of my sinful behavior.  I also would appreciate your prayers in my quest for change, for peace, and for the fullness of life that is only possible in Christ. I give my life to Him.
Bill Wilson
8524 S. 30th Terrace
Fort Smith, AR 72908
**Notes of Thanks**
Thank you for all the visits, cards, calls, and other expressions of love and concern shown to our family during the illness and death of my brother, Charles.
Bill & Margaret Moss
Thank you! 
To everyone who donated and allowed us to work - the Mexico Missions Servant's Day was a fantastic success!  You touched us with your generosity!  We thank you all so much! Thanks also to Ron & Debbie Belote, Rob Davidson, James and Patti Anderson, Philip & Landon Abuzeide and Blake Frost who worked some long hours assembling and selling computers for the Mexico Mission fund!  The sale was also very successful!  We have several projects we will be scheduling for warmer weather or just for another time.  If you have a project you would like scheduled, just let us know! 
Tom & Roxie Benincosa
for the Mexico Mission Team
**60+ Valentine Potluck**
Don't miss out on this special night of fun!
February 15th, 6:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center.
**Wedding Invitation**
The parents of Ashley LeAnne Chitwood
and Timothy Scott Coleman
request the honour of your presence
at the marriage of their children on
Friday, February 14th at seven o'clock in the evening
Pleasant Valley Church of Christ
6020 Kibler Road, Van Buren, Arkansas
**Happy Birthday**
February 10
Howard Hughes
Marceil Stevens
February 11
Jessica Bryant
Lance Haines
Jeremy Harper
Elaine Kamp
February 12
Joyce Dunavin
February 13
Mike Burkett
Ava Jones
February 14
Barbara Abernathy
February 15
Mary Margaret Hudson
Ron Smith
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** "Youth Ministry...What's That?" **
By Brad Pistole
Since the majority of our adult members grew up without youth ministers and without family ministry, I often wonder how many of you are thinking to yourself, "I wonder what Brad and the teens do all weekend on all of these retreats and youth rallies they attend."
Maybe you think it's "one big camping trip." Maybe you think we "play all weekend." Maybe you simply "do not know."
Well, this weekend is one of those weekends. February 7th-9th will be the 13th annual Winter Retreat and we will be gone with about 30 of our teens and adults. Our theme for the weekend is "Going For Broke" and is taken from the following scriptures: Acts 15:26, Romans 16:3-4, and Philippians 2:25-30.
I thought I would give you a brief description of what typically happens on a weekend like this, since many of you may be curious about what a retreat involves.
On Friday night, we'll have 7-8 different youth groups arrive and we'll spend about an hour getting to know one another. Then, all of our adults (usually about 40) will gather privately to meet one another and begin the weekend with a short prayer session for all of the teens that are present. Our focus is established at this point: to allow God to use us throughout the entire weekend in ways that will lead our young people closer to Christ.
Then, we spend the rest of Friday night praising God through song. We wrap things up Friday night with Session One - "Risk-Takers." There will be 4 more sessions on Saturday: "Gravity Games," "True-Risk Takers," "Going to the Xtreme," and "Going for Broke."
The point of all of these lessons will be to show our teens how willing they are to "risk" everything in today's world. Whether it's through sports, relationships, drugs, sex, etc., we live in an extreme world. The disciples that followed Christ were willing to risk their lives, too, but in a much different way. They took risks for the sake of the gospel. How do we return to this spirit today?
Many people will be challenged and blessed as a result of our "playing" this weekend. Hopefully, one day, you might be curious enough about what we do to go with us and experience it for yourself. We'd love to have more adults leading and teaching our teens about "true life" in Christ. Come join us!
**Nursery Workers**
Infants: Trish Carson, Jane Dunavin, Morgan Dunavin
Toddlers: Jon Huff, Liz Huff
Evening: Marquetta Walker, Molly Walker
**Schedule of Services**
Sunday Worship (10:30)................678
Sunday Classes (9:30) ................. 472
Sunday Evening (6:00)...................323
The Way (4:00) ................................45
Spanish Morning Worship................19
Spanish Evening Worship (6:30)......17
Wednesday Worship (7:00).............301
Sunday Contribution ................$20,335
Office Phone (479) 452-1240
Fax  (479) 452-5767