Family Lines Newsletter, February 26, 2004
**Focusing On Our Purpose As A Congregation**
By David Chadwell
Permit me to begin by asking some questions we do not often ask.  What are the purposes for convincing men and women that they should "enter Jesus Christ" and have "Christ in them?"  What purposes do men and women who are "in Jesus Christ" have?  Why do we exist as a congregation? Are there purposes in being a congregation?  Are those purposes ours or God's?  Do they exist because of our concerns or God's priorities?
Do we exist as Christians merely to exist?  Do we exist as a congregation merely to exist?  Is the purpose of being "in Christ" no more than staying out of hell?  Is the purpose of being a congregation no more than survival?
If those questions seem trivial, "too thoughty," or too concerned about issues you never consider, may I give you a guarantee.  The guarantee: any elder who takes serious his role of leadership in a congregation never regards any of those questions trivial, "too thoughty," or focused on insignificant matters.
This Sunday morning as we consider God's importance to our lives in the worship of our physical and spiritual Creator, our shepherds/leaders will challenge us.  It will not be a business meeting.  It will be worship.  These men thought long and hard about God's purposes in us as individuals and a congregation.  They want to briefly share their thoughts with us.  Their sharing will be in the form of challenges rather than the form of directives.  They will seek to lead us rather than control us.  They will focus on our purpose and our goals to the glory and honor of God, Christ, and the Spirit.
Our Purpose:
Making disciples for Jesus who are eager to serve others.
Our Goals:
To daily focus on Jesus and his cross.
To nurture spiritual growth to transform all into GodÂ’s holiness.
To increase love and godly behavior.
To recognize our spiritual gifts and use them to glorify God.
To proclaim a biblical worldview that is obedient to Christ.
These men sacrifice much to be our shepherds.  They want to share with us what these things mean to them.  They want us to think and focus as we make God the core of our daily lives.  They want us to think and focus as we seek to be God's people-nothing more and nothing less.  See you Sunday as we honor God by thinking about who we are!
"Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds..." (Hebrews 10:24)
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**Be an Encourager**
By Derrick Jones, Campus Minister
How many of us go through a whole day, if not several days, and all we hear are criticisms and condemnations, and never a needed word of encouragement. Too many spend all their time being discouraged. They are told when they "blow it," and when they fail, but seldom receive a deserved compliment.
Timely encouraging statements can be the spark that ignites unbelievable results. God has told us to ''...encourage one another daily...'' (Hebrews 3:13; 10:25). We need to build up one another (I Thessalonians 5:11). What helps one to encourage others? We must be willing to find something good in others, think before we speak, and learn to be positive.
Let's seek ways to be positive encouragers. May we be determined to spend a whole day saying nothing but helpful things to people and avoid the snare of negativity! Then, we can make this the habit of our lives.
**Lions for Christ (LFC)**
Upcoming March Events
* 2nd -- Devotional at UAFS (5:30-9:00 p.m.)
* 6th -- Parents' Night Out (5:30-10:00 p.m. (see information in next column)
* 9th -  Devotional, West-Ark FLC
* 27-28th, Spring Retreat, "I Want to Know Christ"
**LTC Announcement**
Christian Art all ages, bring your completed project to morning church service March 28th. If you have questions, call Shanna Davis at 474-7260.
**LTC Practice Schedule **
February 29
* 1:30 Senior High Chorus
* 3:00 Junior High Chorus
* 4:00 Junior High Bible Bowl
* 5:00 All Puppets
* 6:00 Elementary Chorus
* 6:00 Junior High Drama
**Driver Needed**
The "widows" van needs a driver one of every four Wednesday nights. To volunteer, please call the church office or Rod Jones (484-1162. Your help is needed and appreciated!
**Grief Recovery Support Group**
"Your journey from mourning to joy."
GriefShare is a special weekly seminar/support group for people grieving the death of someone close. It's a place where you can be around people who understand how you feel and the pain of your loss. At GriefShare, you'll learn valuable information that will help you through this difficult time in your life.
Starting Wednesday, March 3rd
7:00 - 8:15 p.m. in the Annex
(We will be using Roy Dunavin's office for our meetings.)
**Lions for Christ**
Parents' Night Out
Saturday, March 6
5:30 - 10:00 p.m.
Family Life Center
Ages: 2 years old through 6th grade
Please sign the sheet in the Information Center in the foyer by Wednesday, March 3rd.
Questions??? Contact Derrick Jones at 452-1240 or e-mail
**Coming Events**
Dayton Church of Christ
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Saturday, March 6, 7:30 a.m.
For further information
Call Larry Bridges (996-2625).
No Debt, No Sweat
A Free Financial Management
Seminar with Steve Diggs
Sunday, March 7, 6:00 - 8:45 p.m.
Monday, March 8, 6:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Southside Church of Christ
919 S. Dixieland, Rogers, AR
For more information call 636-1156.
Ladies' Day
Poteau Church of Christ
Saturday, April 3rd
Registration begins at 8:45
Guest Speaker: Billie Buchanan
of Waxahachie, Texas
Brunch will be served.
Dismissal at 12:30 p.m.
Annual Spring Golf Tournament
Sponsored by Valley View Church of Christ
Saturday, May 1
Tee time is 1:00 p.m.
Ben Geren Golf Course
4-man scramble
(Teams will be drawn at 12:30 p.m. the day of the tournament.)
Call Niketa Stinchcomb (996-3001) to register.
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**Remember in Prayer**
* Pearl Beam is in Sparks Hospital, room 677.
* Robin Murphy is in St. Edward Hospital, room 3521. She has developed pneumonia.
* Ada Ferguson continues to do well following her surgery and returned to the nursing home on Tuesday.
* Oneta Love is in Sparks Hospital, room 436.
* Kate Burkett (daughter of Mike and Mary)) had a tonsillectomy and ear tube surgery Monday morning.
* Maile McDonald was able to complete her series of chemotherapy treatments at Children's Hospital. Remaining treatments can now be done on an out-patient basis.
* Bobbye Ferrell's sister, Dorothy Manly
* Helen Epton, Rebecca Holloway's mother
We extend our love and sympathy to Melissa Myers in the death of her mother, Patricia Lively, after a long illness. Private funeral services were at Edwards Chapel on Tuesday.
We also extend our love and sympathy to LeRoy Null and the Null family in the sudden death Monday night of Lois. Funeral services will be 2:00 p.m. Thursday at the Southern Oaks Church of Christ, 3320 South 16th in Chickasha, OK.
Heather Jones
1331 Shadowalk
Van Buren, AR 72956
Heather was baptized by David Chadwell February 19. Please add her to your church directory.
Argentina O. Klein
39 Northwood
Fort Smith, AR 72904
Argentina was baptized February 18 by Oscar Nolasco and will be worshipping with Iglesia de Cristo at Johnson Street.
**Moving Days**
This week, we are saying farewell to two families. Kevin, Deborah & Courtney Strong are moving to Norman, Oklahoma where Kevin will be working for York International. (We don't yet have a new address for them.)
Stan and Whit Musick are moving to Mississippi where Stan will do a residency in anesthesiology. Stan and Whit's new address is 201 Crestview Cove, Ridgeland, MS 39157. You may e-mail them at cafmustang@yahoo.com
**Teachers Needed**
Please call Robin Webber if you can fill any of these positions (783-8728). A teacher for Sunday mornings is also needed.
Wednesday Night
* teacher for age 3
* helper for age 2
* teacher for 1st grade
**Note of Thanks **
To all who sent Valentines to me ...
I want you to know that I was surprised and overwhelmed with such a large number of cards. Your thoughtfulness meant a lot to me. Thank you for sending a part of your hearts my way. You are all sweethearts ... and again, I thank you for your prayers.
In Christian love,
Bobbye Ferrell
Let it be known throughout the land
Maiden Amanda Washburn has consented
to join with Sir Daniel Edwards
In this blessed union of marriage.
The honor of thy presence
is hereby humbly requested
for this long awaited occasion
Saturday 13th day of March
At eleven-thirty in the morning
West-Ark Church of Christ
The couple requests no gifts.
There will be a wishing well at the reception for any gift cards or donations you may like to give
to help the couple start their journey together as husband and wife.
**Sunday in Worship**
West-Ark's Purpose & Goals
Elders, Chris Benjamin
Family Meeting followed by
Fellowship Meal in the FLC
Please bring desserts!
**"Peak of the Week"**
Wednesday, March 3
"The Lord Who Heals"
Exodus 15:26, Psalm 103
7:00 p.m. in the FLC.
**Happy Birthday**
March 1
Justin Boozer
Nathan Davis
Leon Medlock
Karan Tygart
March 2
Joann Griffin
Kristin James
Lindsey Smith
March 3
Ruth Martin
March 4
Hunter Hesslen
March 5
Norman Cole
Vivian Flood
Ron Lenderman
Ashleigh Miller
March 6
Netsy Lynn
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**The Passion of the Christ**
By Brad Pistole
This past month, I read basically every review I could find about the new Mel Gibson movie that was to be released on Wednesday, February 25th. I heard all kinds of reviews, both positive and negative. I watched interview after interview with the director and with those who had previewed the film. As a result, I felt prepared for what I would see.
But nothing could have possibly prepared me for what I saw this past Tuesday afternoon. I was able to view "The Passion of the Christ" the day before its release. Words simply cannot describe what I saw and what I felt. The spectrum of emotions I felt on that day ranged from extreme anger to uncontrollable grief.
Simply put, besides scripture, nothing in my entire life has ever given me the visual perspective of what realistically happened to Christ like this movie did. As I watched the film in absolute grief, I was reminded of the following scriptures:
Isaiah 52:14 "Many were amazed when they saw him - beaten and bloodied, so disfigured one would scarcely know he was a person." 53:3-6 "For he was despised and rejected - a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitter grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised, and we did not care .Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God for his own sins!  But he was wounded and crushed for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace. He was whipped, and we were healed! All of us have strayed away like sheep. We have left God's paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the guilt and sins of us all."  8. "...But who among the people realized that he was dying for their sins - that he was suffering their punishment"? 11-12 "...And because of what he has experienced, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins. I will give him the honors of one who is mighty and great, because he exposed himself to death. He was counted among those who were sinners. He bore the sins of many and interceded for sinners."
Now that I have faced the reality of what my sin did to Jesus, only one question remains for me: What will I do now?
Have you seen the movie? Have you come face to face with the reality of the price Jesus paid for your sins? If you have, I ask the same of you: What will you do now?
**Fifth Sunday Nursery**
A.M. Nursery
Cristy Pressley
Kay Pressley
Hannah Pressley
Louise Howard
Cami Stancil
P.M. Nursery
Robertta Moses
Laurie Armstrong
**Attendance and Contribution Count**
Sunday AM   681
Bible Classes  479
Sunday P.M.   278
Small Groups  32
Wednesday P.M.  310
Contribution   $17,350
Children's Home   $272
The Way  51
Hispanic Attendance 33
Hispanic Contribution $196
Laotian Attendance  38
Laotian Contribution   $164
Office Phone (479) 452-1240
Fax  (479) 452-5767