As a society, we are a people of exaggerated expectations. We frequently
expect the unlikely from our nation, community, marriages, families,
careers, and life situations. In all spheres of existence, our expectations
prime us for disappointment.
Interactive factors generate high expectations. One example: advertisements
and promotions entice us to anticipate the unrealistic. "Buy this car! It
will grant you status...alter your relationships... change your image...give
you access to a desirable peer group...change your lifestyle...and boost
your career." A car? Really?
And how does a person feel when basically that car gets him or her from
point A to point B at so many miles per gallon like any other car? Talk
about failed expectations! When our car is a primary measurement of our
life, what commentary does that make on the basic nature of our
Often failed expectations disillusion Christians. Our most common reason
for being disappointed with God is failed expectations. We assume that if
God does not produce the results we expect through the plans that we make,
that God has failed us. God has not "been at work" as "He assured us that
He would."
God never stops working. Never is there a moment when God is not at work.
Never do we humans create conditions that make it impossible for God to
work. Christian disappointment never measures God's productivity or
Never is there one way to accomplish God's objectives, or one avenue to
pursue God's purposes, or one means to fulfill God's will. God worked in
Egyptian slavery, the Sinai wilderness, the idolatry of Israel, the legalism
of the Pharisees, the denials of Peter, the persecutions of Saul, and the
cross of Jesus.
Regardless of how evil the world becomes, God works. In spite of our
misguided goals, God works. Through the worst and best intentions of weak
humans, God works.
His work produces its best results when fellowship is genuine; love is
unpretended; commitment is whole-hearted; and our faith is 100% in Christ
and 0% in us.
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