How long can we survive on one third glass of liquid a day? What if our
eating and drinking together provide our bodies never more than four ounces
of liquid a day? Anyone would dehydrate and, in time, die. The physical
body cannot function for long on so little liquid.
How long can we live on one small meal a week? Two? Three? Even four?
Such starvation quickly becomes the gate to anorexia. Anorexia is the path
to death. The physical body cannot function indefinitely on so little food.
We recognize physical dehydration and anorexia when we see them. Without
being told, we know the seriousness of both. Can you identify spiritual
dehydration in yourself or your family? Can you recognize spiritual
anorexia when it occurs in your life or your family?
Paul told the Christians at Corinth, "I spoke to you like babies in Christ,
not as spiritual adults. I fed you milk. You could not digest anything you
needed to chew. Unfortunately, you still cannot" (1 Corinthians 3:1-3).
They had multiple, devastating, spiritual problems. Paul knew how to help
them. But they knew so little that Paul could not teach them what they
desperately needed to understand.
The author of Hebrews addressed Christians considering renouncing Jesus
Christ. Their current problem? They repeatedly laid their spiritual
foundation over and over again. They never matured (Hebrews 6:1-8).
Jesus promised that people who hungered and thirsted for righteousness would
be satisfied (Matthew 5:6). He promised that he would be the bread of life
who could eliminate spiritual hunger (John 6:35). He told a woman that he
could give her living water that would eternally destroy thirst (John
We can listen to exceptional sermons twice a week and be anorexic. We can
even add a couple of classes and still starve. We can spiritually dehydrate
by exclusively fixing our focus on the church and not depending on the
Because regularly "listening to good preaching" is bad? No. Because
attending Bible classes is bad? No. Because thinking about the church is
bad? No. Because all of that is not enough to prevent you or your family
from spiritually starving or dehydrating.
Will your appetite allow Jesus to fill you with righteousness? Will your
thirst allow Jesus to fill you with living water?
Link to other Writings of David Chadwell