To you, does the word "convictions" have a meaning? Which of these serve as
the foundation of your meaning? (1) "Convictions are beliefs you accept as
truth." (2) "Convictions are your daily behavior." (3) "Convictions are
beliefs you accept as truth that express themselves in daily life."
Each Christian must be a person of "conviction." To say to a Christian,
"You have no convictions," is to insult him or her. Jesus was a person of
conviction. So were Paul, Timothy, Titus, Mary, Martha, and Mark's mother.
Anyone with any understanding of Christian existence knows men and women who
belong to Christ must be people of conviction. The essential question: what
does it mean to be a person of conviction?
Some conclude having convictions is a matter of holding correct Christian
beliefs. To them significant faith questions often begin by asking, "Where
do you stand on ...?" "Is he liberal?" "Is she legalistic?" "Does he
believe the Bible is verbally inspired?" "Does she believe the Holy Spirit
is active today?" "What is his understanding of 'the faith'?" "What is her
understanding of 'the church'?" "To find out, ask, 'What is your position
on ...?' Then listen. If he uses this word, he is .... If she uses this
phrase, she is .... But if he or she uses that word or phrase, he or she
is .... You can tell where a person 'stands' by certain words and phrases he
or she uses."
This approach to godliness defines conviction solely in terms of a specific
set of beliefs.
Some conclude that having convictions is basically a matter of personal
behavior. "I am a person of conviction! I am honest, pay my bills, take
care of my family, am a good neighbor, am a responsible member of the
community, and am loyal to my country. Religious involvement is unnecessary
to holding convictions. I am not involved with the church, but I am a
person of conviction. Church-wise, I do little. However, I live my
convictions. That makes me a person of conviction."
This approach to godliness defines conviction solely in terms of personal
Some understand being a person holding Christian convictions involves both
beliefs and behavior. Jesus Christ is truth and defines truth (John 14:6).
Understanding truth begins by understanding Jesus. Yet, it is not enough to
know truth. Truth expresses itself in behavior. Jesus perfectly expressed
God's truth in human behavior. Jesus is the ultimate example of holding
truth and expressing convictions.
To reduce convictions to a matter of holding truths leads us to act as
judges. To reduce convictions to a matter of personal behavior leads us to
self-justification. To understand Christian convictions are based on truths
that change our daily behavior leads to humble service to God.
Link to other Writings of David Chadwell