Permit me to begin by asking some questions we do not often ask. What are the purposes for convincing men and women that they should “enter Jesus Christ” and have “Christ in them”? What purposes do men and women who are “in Jesus Christ” have? Why do we exist as a congregation? Are there purposes in being a congregation? Are those purposes ours or God’s? Do they exist because of our concerns or God’s priorities?

Do we exist as Christians merely to exist? Do we exist as a congregation merely to exist? Is the purpose of being “in Christ” no more than staying out of Hell? Is the purpose of being a congregation no more than survival?

If those questions seem trivial, “too thoughty,” or too concerned about issues you never consider, may I give you a guarantee? The guarantee: any elder who takes serious his role of leadership in a congregation never regards any of those questions trivial, “too thoughty,” or focused on insignificant matters.

This Sunday morning as we consider God’s importance to our lives in the worship of our physical and spiritual Creator, our shepherds/leaders will challenge us. It will not be a business meeting. It will be worship. These men thought long and hard about God’s purposes in us as individuals and a congregation. They want to briefly share their thoughts with us. Their sharing will be in the form of challenges rather than the form of directives. They will seek to lead us rather than control us. They will focus on our purpose and our goals to the glory and honor of God, Christ, and the Spirit.

These men sacrifice much to be our shepherds. They want to share with us what these things mean to them. They want us to think and focus as we make God the core of our daily lives. They want us to think and focus as we seek to be God’s people—nothing more and nothing less. See you Sunday as we honor God by thinking about who we are!

“Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds…” (Hebrews 10:24)

David Chadwell

West-Ark Church of Christ, Fort Smith, AR
Bulletin Article, 29 February 2004

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