I never met a person who enjoyed the experience of changing diapers. I met many who gladly changed diapers because they loved. On a cold night, my father-in-law told Joyce he had never seen it cold enough to make dishwater feel good. Yet, I saw my father-in-law wash dishes because he loved his ailing wife. Take your pickironing white shirts, canning, unstopping a commode, splitting a rick of gnarled hickory, digging a septic line, cleaning up vomit, dressing bad wounds, etc.there are many tasks performed because of love that otherwise would be neglected. It is not love of the task! It is love of the person who benefits from the task!
Never think it is easy for God to forgive! Sin is everything God is not. Never think it was easy for God to surrender Jesus to death! Jesus was the only adult who never rebelled. Never decide it is easy for God to sustain fellowship with us when we continue to sin and need forgiveness. Were I to attribute human characteristics to God, I would see God heaving, gushing each time we make a mess. It is amazing God tolerates us!
Consider a fascinating question: Why does God put up with us? The simple answer: He loves us. Because He loves, He forgives. Because He loves, He endures. Because He loves, He tolerates the objectionable to bless the person.
I wonder when weeach of uswill get it. When will we understand it is not correctness that covers a multitude of sins, or justification, or history. It is love that covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). It is a fervent love for each other that responds to the messes we make.
Why? Because such love is characteristic of Godand enduring friendships, and enduring marriages, and quality parenting, andabove allan enduring fellowship among those who have entered Christ. May I be spiritually mature enough to love the God who forgives you when I have difficulty loving you. Why? Because God in creation and Christ gave you that kind of worth. Andthat same God forgives me.
By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. (John 13:35).
Link to other Writings of David Chadwell