For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11

The context of this statement: It is part of a discussion Paul had with the Corinthian congregation of Christians about their internal division. Basically, Paul affirmed that if they understood God’s work in Jesus Christ they would not sanction their internal division, but they would eliminate their internal division.

Note three things. (1) God spent much effort and “time” preparing the foundation (Jesus Christ) for His building. (2) God prepared one foundation (Jesus Christ, not the church—though it should be built on God’s foundation). (3) God’s foundation work is done. (That is not to imply that all God’s involvement/efforts were limited to foundation work.)

Note this. Just as the Corinthians, we face choices. Will we build on God’s foundation or not? Will we build what God wishes to build in the manner He wishes to build? Before you quickly answer that is what we are about, do some serious thinking.

It is easy to think weak human beings are doing precisely what God wants when, basically, we are doing what we want. It is easy to base what we build on our thinking rather than on God’s purposes revealed in Jesus’ teachings. It is easy to conclude we have found the whole foundation when we have uncovered only part of the foundation. It is easy to make our biggest investments in that which God said little or nothing about and neglect that which God said much about.

Consider two things. (1) Will I encourage the congregation to be focused on God’s foundation? If so, how? Will my efforts be constructive or destructive to God’s purposes? (2) Will I build my life on God’s foundation? Will I promote God’s purposes in how I live and who I am? Will the congregation be blessed because I am part of it?

Paul told the Corinthian Christians what was built would be tried by God’s fire. God is serious about what is built on His foundation. May we be serious builders! Do you think about what you are building and assisting to build? How serious are you about your life?

David Chadwell

West-Ark Church of Christ, Fort Smith, AR
Bulletin Article, 7 March 2010

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