The Jews hated to pay taxes to the ruling Roman government. Once the Jews tried toget Jesus in trouble by asking him if it was right to pay taxes (Matthew 22:17-21). Jesus answered by asking for a coin and by showing the coin was made by the government. He then said we must give the things that belong to the government to the government and the things that belong to God to God. Christians have no right to refuse to pay taxes.
Must Christians obey the government? The New Testament answers with a strong YES. Nowhere does the New Testament teach Christians can break laws or refuse to pay tax. True Christians will be the best citizens any government has. The government should have no reason to fear people who truly belong to Jesus Christ. Christians obey government for two reasons: (1) their God wants them to obey, and (2) as Christians they will give respect to the government.
Study this list of scriptures in the New Testament, which teach Christians about government. Read Romans 13:1-7. Paul teaches these things:
Titus 3:1 says for Christians to obey government rulers and government authority, and to obey the orders of magistrates. I Peter 2:13-17 says to obey all laws, both the laws of the head of the government and his representatives. The purpose of government is to punish evil doers and to praise those who do good. Peter also says to give honor to the head of the government. I Timothy 2:1,2 tells Christians to pray for the government rulers. We are to pray for peace and for the right to live godly lives. II Peter 2: 10 says those who despise government are evil.
The Christian has the right to use the laws of the land to protect himself against unjust treatment. Paul did this in Acts 22:25-29. The only time a Christian can refuse any order from government is if the government orders him to do something that is sinful. When a court ordered the apostles to never preach about Jesus again, Peter said, "We must obey God rather than man." Acts 5:29.
All Christians should work hard to be good citizens, to obey the laws, and to pay their taxes. If Christians do this, the government will respect the church.