Christian Growth Series

Lesson 36


Matthew 25:31-46 gives a brief description of the judgment day. There will be only two groups of people, those who have lived righteously and those who have lived wickedly. Every person will be placed in one of those two groups. Those who lived righteously shall be given a great blessing (vs. 34). Those who have lived wickedly shall be given great punishment. Verse 41 says they will be condemned to everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. They shall spend forever suffering with the devil. Verse 46 says their punishment is an everlasting punishment. It will not end quickly like physical death; they shall never stop feeling their suffering.

The parable of the net also explains what will happen in the day of judgment (Matthew 13:47-50). Just as a fisherman separates good fish from the uneatable things in his net, so shall God have His angels separate the wicked from the righteous. The wicked shall be cast into a place that is described as a "furnace of fire". Of all the pain man can feel, fire makes one of the greatest sufferings. Fire is used to describe hell because hell is a place of great pain and suffering. The pain the wicked shall suffer shall make them cry and grind their teeth.

Paul teaches plainly who shall be condemned to hell. Read II Thessalonians 1:7-10. When Jesus comes from heaven with his angels, he is going to take vengeance in fire on some people. What people? First, he shall come to punish those who know not God. This is one reason that makes it so important to see that every person has opportunity to hear the gospel. Second, he shall come to punish those who refuse to obey the gospel. People who refuse to obey the gospel are going to suffer a terrible punishment. That punishment will be unending destruction. They will never be permitted to stand in the presence of God again.

All people who do wickedness need to fear hell. Read Revelation 21:8-- unbelievers, murderers, fornicators, juju (sorcerers), pagans (idolaters), and liars shall be punished. All these people shall be cast into the lake of fire. Read the works of the flesh in Galatians 5:19-21. The people who do such things shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Any of these people could be saved if they would repent and obey Christ. Any person who continues in such sins shall surely be lost.

Beware of sin. The punishment for sin is unending punishment. Hell shall be the eternal home for the wicked.


  1. What kind of punishment does Matthew 25:41, 46 say the wicked will receive?

  2. What does Matthew 13:47-50 say will be done with the wicked when they are separated from the righteous?

  3. What kind of vengeance does II Thessalonians 1:7,8 say Jesus will take?

  4. On what 2 groups of people will Jesus take vengeance?

  5. What people does Revelation 21:8 say will be cast into the lake of fire?

  6. What is the eternal home of the wicked?

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