During this past year a lot of prayer and preparation has gone into getting us ready to kickoff West-Ark's Small Group Ministry. And now we're very close to beginning.

This week our first specialty support group will begin to meet. This Grief Recovery Support Group will be led by Myra Flippo at her home on Saturday afternoons. Myra has gone through the facilitator training and we have purchased some excellent material that she will be using for her curriculum. I'm confident that this support group will be a great source of help for the bereaved to talk openly and share their feelings with those that understand and are willing to listen. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this Grief Recovery Group - talk with Myra Flippo for further details.

The kickoff for the rest of our groups will happen the first week in May. These small groups of 12 will meet weekly in members' homes with the purpose of bringing us closer to God and to each other. The groups will provide an excellent outreach tool for us to invite our friends and neighbors as we introduce them to Jesus. At the same time, they will be a great organizational structure for us to identify spiritual gifts, develop leaders and shepherd a large number of members while new Christians are nurtured and cared for.

For the next two weeks you'll have the opportunity to indicate your interest in participation by signing the list that can be found in the foyer on the Education Bulletin Board. During the last week of April, your group facilitator will call you to let you know when and where your group is meeting. Questions? See Ron Lenderman, Joe Pistole, or Ted Edwards.

See you in Bible Class!!!

Ted Edwards

West-Ark Church of Christ, Fort Smith, AR
Bulletin Article, 16 April 2000

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