Your family can be involved in the fun and togetherness that comes with the
planning and preparation of VBS 2000. Moms and Dads, you can help out by
teaching a class or assisting a teacher, or how about making or serving
cookies and Kool Aid? Perhaps you'd like to help write, direct or act in one
of the dramas. Or how about helping to build sets for the dramas or design
costumes? Every day the kids have time to work on craft activities so maybe
you would like to help out with the daily crafts. And there is always room
for extra people to serve on the advertising or registration crews.
The ideas listed above are only a sampling of the many different ways that
you could get involved in teaching our children about our Lord and "The
Greatest Week in History." If you're interested in helping this year with
West-Ark's VBS, please pick-up a form from the Bible class information table
in the foyer, fill it out and put it in the VBS box. See Carolyn Harrell,
Dena Jenkins or Heather Curtis for more information regarding VBS 2000.
I also need to mention a word about our Sunday Morning Children's worship
that takes place simultaneously with our auditorium assembly. We have two
different age-appropriate sessions: 2-4 year olds and 4-6 year olds. The
older kids (4-6 year olds) have adults who have volunteered to teach.
Currently, we have no adults who have volunteered to serve in the 2-4 year
old room -- so that portion of Children's Worship will be dismissed for the
summer. It could begin again in the fall if there is sufficient adult
See you in Bible Class!
Hopefully you have already marked your calendar for July 10-14 when VBS 2000
takes place at West-Ark. This year's theme is extremely exciting and timely:
"The Greatest Week in History." The lessons are centered around the week of
our Lord's life on this earth that leads up to and includes His crucifixion
and resurrection. Classes will be held for 4 year olds - 6th graders each
morning from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
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