"Pray Continually"
~~1 Thessalonians 5:17
Do you have an urgent prayer request? Have you heard about the website that will beam up your prayer request via radio transmitter to the "last known location of God," presumably somewhere in the universe where the "big bang" occurred. The false assumption is that if we know for sure this one location of God, and we can send radio messages into space to this location, then we could send our prayers to a place where we know for sure God resided. This website even offers "contemplative thoughts" as you compose your prayer.

What delusion! Someone is dreadfully lost in the cosmos. Our Heavenly Father has the ability to hear our prayers as they fall from our lips without the help of a website or a radio transmitter. He is big enough and powerful enough to answer our prayers.

It is important to study and talk about prayer, but it's even more essential that we pray! I am thankful that our Elders at West-Ark recognize that prayer is important and powerful in the daily life of a Christian. They are taking the initiative to lead the way for us to become a praying congregation. Beginning this Sunday you will find a newly designed Prayer Request/Visitor Card in the pew rack. This can be filled out and then put into the collection plate or the box found in the foyer. Several of our Shepherds will also be available to pray with you and for you at the close of our services in Room 100.

Praying for people we know and talking to our Heavenly Father about specific situations in our congregation or sphere of friends could revolutionize our personal lives, our families, our church, our nation, our world, and our future into eternity.

See you in Bible Class!

Ted Edwards

West-Ark Church of Christ, Fort Smith, AR
Bulletin Article, 5 November 2000

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