Everything in life revolves around "relationships" -- everything. People are searching for love, acceptance, safety, trust, comfort, hope, edification, encouragement, intimacy and freedom to express themselves. People are seeking answers about life. They've tried it their way and now they are searching for a better perspective to this life.

People are now looking for the boundaries that were obliterated by a generation of baby-boomers. Americans are realizing that the things that have happened in the White House, the schoolhouse and in their house are things that shouldn't be happening in America. People are searching and are looking for someone they can trust; some moral authority.

Americans are in search of relationships of accountability. Of course, the most important relationship is a person's vertical relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ -- accountable to God, loving Him with all our being. We must also be in relationship with one another; the horizontal relationships -- accountable to our neighbor, loving our neighbor as ourselves.

I am convinced that this best takes place in the basic Christian community of small groups. People intentionally meeting in small groups once a week in our homes. Communicating with God and with our neighbors -- being intimate and vulnerable -- accountable one to another -- accepting the authority of the absolute Word of God. Communicate and community; two words with the same root.

Currently, West-Ark has several Small Groups that meet in members' homes once a week. The need for effective small group ministry is implied in the New Testament. If our congregation is to truly develop the spiritual gifts of our members and mobilize the terrific power of the Holy Spirit to work through us, if we are ever going to facilitate true relationship-based community, we need to organize more groups where this can be fostered.

We are in the process of training more leaders so that we can form and begin several new groups. If you're interested in becoming a Leader/Facilitator, make plans to attend a training session scheduled for Sunday Sept. 23, 3-7 p.m.

Questions? See Ted Edwards, Larry Roper or Blake Frost.

See you in Bible Class!

Ted Edwards

West-Ark Church of Christ, Fort Smith, AR
Bulletin Article, 9 September 2001

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