Last Saturday night, less than 24 hours before the Super Bowl kick-off, Atlanta Falcons safety, Eugene Robinson, was arrested for soliciting an undercover officer for sexual favors. Here's a guy who is a self-professed Christian and is not afraid to talk about his faith in a public setting. So I'm wondering, "Does it matter what an individual does in his private life as long as it doesn't affect his ability to perform the job?"

In 1 Corinthians 11:1 Paul wrote, "Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ." Paul realized that what he did in his private life (when no one was watching) was just as important as how he lived when people are watching. Integrity is closely related to the consistency of our public and private life. Since we are the only Bible that many people will read, it is imperative that we practice what we preach to a very skeptical world. How many of us would be confident to say to those around us, "Follow my example as I follow Christ."

Recently, as I watched our nation's most powerful role model deceive his way through the latest crisis, I wondered what message our children are seeing and hearing. We're shown an image of our President and his wife attending worship services on Easter Sunday, and yet he has a private appointment with Monica later that afternoon.

Do you realize there are individuals who are not only looking to our President for leadership but they're also watching you? I believe that all leaders are role models who have the ability to influence and impact people either for good or for bad. Those we look up to have a tremendous impact on our behavior and values. It is sobering to think about children and others in our own household who are watching and imitating our life. We have a responsibility to them to set a positive example and to live in private what we say we are in public. Your lifestyle is impacting the lives of your co-workers, neighbors, and others either positively or negatively.

So when people follow your example, will they be led closer to Jesus or further away from Him? Don't forget that you are already having a powerful impact on the lives of others around you. It's easy to talk the talk, but are you willing to walk the walk?

See you in Bible Class this week.

Ted Edwards

West-Ark Church of Christ, Fort Smith, AR
Bulletin Article, 7 February 1999

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