When I consider the vast age range that can be found within our Adult Bible
Classes, its difficult to imagine how we can meet all of the needs that
exist. Certainly our Adult Classes represent the broadest of all age groups
in our Education Ministry. Just think about it.... our adult classes range
from college students looking forward to their first real job and
establishing a household ... all the way to ... senior adults who have worked
for a lifetime, raised a family, and now look forward to enjoying their
retirement years.
Since adults cover such a wide age span, they have experiences and needs
that differ widely. But Ive realized that most adults desire to learn and
grow, especially through experiences that make up transitions in their life.
Some of these life transitions are: choosing a mate and marrying, becoming
parents for the first time, job or career changes, children leaving home,
becoming grandparents, the death of a spouse, etc..... These transitions can
be opportunities for growth if we treat them as such.
Because this is true, we need to realize the tremendous responsibility and
also the opportunities that are before us in our Adult Bible Classes.
Regardless of our age or our life experiences, we all have certain things in
common with everyone else. For instance, were all searching for someone or
something to help us make sense of our lives. All people have a desire to be
needed and want to feel like they belong to something worthwhile. And all
people need to know that the Church is a place where we are loved and can
reach out to others in love. This is why our Vision for the West-Ark
Education Ministry is, "To bring all people closer to God and one another."
I am continually thankful for the excellent teaching staff we have at the
West-Ark Church. Our Education Ministry at West-Ark has Bible Classes
available for all ages from infants to adults. We have nine
adult classes on Sunday Morning to chose from and seven on Wednesday
Evening. Confused?... remember you can always find a
current class schedule on the table in the foyer.
If youre not attending Bible Classes on Sunday Morning and Wednesday
Evening, may I ask you, "Why not? Where are you spending that time?"
Looking forward to seeing you in Bible Class.
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