When Jesus began His public ministry, He called together a group of twelve men and started a small group. While it’s true that Jesus ministered to multitudes during the three and a half years … the majority of His time was spent with these twelve men in a small group. Jesus taught them on a daily basis as they laughed together and cried together. As a group of 13 individuals, they went through joyful, triumphant moments together and also moments of seeming hopelessness and despair. Jesus listened to them and ministered with them and to them.

Jesus modeled for us something we all need -- we need each other. We all need significant relationships where we are accepted and loved. And at the same time, we can demonstrate acceptance and love toward other people. If this is the way Jesus ministered to people while on earth, perhaps we should do the same. None of us are fully equipped to live a high quality life as "islands unto ourselves." Feelings of isolation, personal weaknesses, blind spots, limited capabilities, and lack of experience all point to one need--interdependence. Jesus knew that relationships within small groups are important for us to connect with others. These relationships play such an indispensable role in Christian growth.

We are planning a Small Group Seminar on Saturday-Sunday, October 23-24. Make plans now to take part in this small group seminar at West-Ark that will help us learn how and why Small Groups connect people relationally ... for the purpose of growing in Christ-likeness.

The West-Ark staff and Eldership are looking forward to this weekend as a way to encourage us to the possibilities of how God is going to use our congregation in His Kingdom as we begin a new Millennium.

See you in Bible Class!!!

Ted Edwards

West-Ark Church of Christ, Fort Smith, AR
Bulletin Article, 26 September 1999

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