God's Plan of Salvation The purpose of this program is to share a proven evangelistic tool. Many have been converted by this simple method during their initial encounter with non-denominational Christianity or as an adjunct to other methods of teaching. The program excellently illustrates the reasons for the various steps necessary for receiving God's forgiveness.
After one learns the method it is not necessary to use the computer to teach it to another. All that is required is a pencil, a sheet of paper, a Bible, a teacher, and a learner. From the beginning of a study to the end generally takes about one hour. It is recommended that the instructor write and draw the chart as well as discuss key points as the verses are read aloud by the student. The chart should be left with the student after a study is concluded.
- "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
- "baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
- "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:" (words of Jesus, Matthew 28:19-20)
While many attempt to place #3 before #2, it is not necessary. Everyone willing to listen can know the truth of the Gospel during a single lesson. Additional study is always advised to fully comply with Christ's teachings.
"God's Plan of Salvation" was orginally written for the Commodore 64 with copyright registration number TX 1 790 240 (24 March 1986). The programmer has now made it available as freeware for the IBM-compatible and reproduced it in Web page format. You may contact him by U.S.P.S.: 900 N. Waldron Road, Fort Smith, Arkansas 72903 USA or E-mail: MColeMD@theColeFamily.com
The DOS-based software {96KB} can be downloaded from
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