Copyright © 1997, by John Lankford, Fort Smith, Arkansas

     Is what Jesus said during His personal ministry all His teachings? Are the writings that follow the Gospels of any worth in spelling out the will of the Lord?

  1. Matt 28:18-20
    1. Jesus has All-authority is matters pertaining to man's relationship to God.
    2. Jesus KNOWS THE WAY (John 14:6).
    3. What He knew He gave to the Apostles (Matt 28:20, John 16:12-15).
    Therefore: Jesus teaching = Apostle's doctrine (Acts 2:42)

  2. Apostles elaborate on how to apply the foundation teachings of Christ.
    1. Jesus told the Apostles to teach the disciples how to observe all that He had said (Matt 28:20).
    2. This must have included worship (Acts 2:42).
    3. Apostles appeal to Jesus as their source of authority in their teaching (1 Thess 4:2).

  3. It is false to:
    1. Elevate the teachings of Jesus during His personal ministry to the diminishing of the rest of the New Testament.
    2. Focus totally on the earthly Lord versus the RISEN LORD.
    3. See the teachings of Jesus while on earth as being all of the will of God.

  Link to other Evidences by John Lankford

West-Ark Church of Christ