by Michael S. Cole, M.D.
In Mark 16:15 the Lord made it clear that He expects us to go everywhere sharing the Gospel. We should spread the Good News to those who will accept it and to those who will not (Matthew 13:19-23). The Lord did not specify a particular way to go. We know that the apostles used every available means of transportation and communication available to them to spread the Gospel. I believe we have the same responsibility today.
The Lord has provided us with incredible technological advances in this century. We can physically move from where we are to almost any point on the globe in under 24 hours. God surely expects us to take advantage of this rapid transportation to carry His saving grace to lost souls. God has provided us with several methods of commmunication which allow instantaneous transmission of voice or written words.
The most recent technological wonder which God has given us to aid in the spreading of the Gospel is the Internet. Hundreds of congregations of the Lord's church have already taken advantage of the World Wide Web by placing information there which is immediately and constantly available to any of the millions of people all over the world who have Internet access. These "pages" which churches have created are tools which teach others about our Savior, His message, and His church.
World Bible School has utilized this technology by making a powerful presence on the Web. The site is continuously used to recruit new Bible students. Each student is assigned a Christian "study helper." The study helper sends out lessons one by one, grades lessons returned, and answers Bible questions from their students, all by electronic mail over the Internet. At their own pace hundreds are being taught lessons from the Bible who would never be reached by any other method. We expect the number to grow into the thousands as more people become Internet users.
Many churches of Christ who have Web pages, as well as Christians who have personal Home Pages, are including messages at their Web sites which encourage potential Bible students to link to WBS where they can enroll in free Bible correspondence courses.
If the Lord has provided you with a computer, we want you to look for ways to use it in service to Him. If you are a Christian who desires to do God's will, can send and receive e-mail, and know how to "copy and paste" text, then we want you to begin assisting us with teaching World Bible School e-mail students. You need no additional skills. We have a "discussion list" which allows you to send an e-mail message, such as a question from a student which you are not sure how to answer, to all other WBS e-mail teachers for help.
Nothing is more important than our Messiah's Great
Commission. If I have time in my busy schedule to teach by this method, then
I am certain that you do, too. You can have as many students or as few as
you want. It is really quite simple to be an Internet missionary.
Link to
West-Ark Church
of Christ Home Page