(This page uses the Downtown Church of Christ in Searcy, Arkansas as the example)
Downtown is located at: 900 N. Main Would you like a map to Downtown? |
Sunday Service Times: 8:15 Worship in the Auditorium |
Christians at the Downtown church of Christ plead for a return to the religious practices and teachings of the New Testament. It is our desire to restore in the 20th century the original Christian church of the first century. It is our prayer that you may understand and obey the will of God so that you can spend eternity in Heaven. |
Contact the Webminister |
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Okay, here is the model website I put together in a couple days (well, the top part took little over an hour). Obviously, it could be improved; most webmasters spend a month just getting the design to their satisfaction. What I have tried to do is list what basic parts a church website should have.
Alright, now about the HTML of websites. Many church websites out there look professional-quality, but others do not. The most important thing to remember about design is purpose and clarity. My apologies that this is all in a fairly random order.
*** Now I know some of you webmasters out there will disagree with me on some of these points, and I don't have a problem with that. This project requires me to give my opinion only. |
East Gwinnett church of Christ http://www.egcc.net |
Guyana Outreach http://members.truepath.com/go/ |
The Lord's Church http://home1.gte.net/lemar/church/church.htm |
Adamsville Church of Christ http://www.acoc.org |
West-Ark church of Christ Web Site http://www.westarkchurchofchrist.org |
Northwest Church Online http://www.acay.com.au/~geolit/ |
Mount Carmel church of Christ http://come.to/mountcarmelchurchofchrist |
Biblical Studies Center http://www.BiblicalStudies.org |
The Old Paths Archive http://www.oldpaths.com |
Hillsboro Church of Christ http://www.hillsboro.org |
Gemeenten van Christus (Dutch-language churches of Christ) http://www.gemeente-van-Christus.org |
CFServe http://www.CFServe.org |
Les eglises du Christ (French-language churches of Christ) http://www.eglise-du-Christ.org |
All About Families http://www.allaboutfamilies.org |
Summerville Church of Christ http://www.chas-source.com/summervillechurch/ |
Sunset Online http://www.sunsetonline.com |
Parveen Singh's Christian Webpage http://www.sinc.sunysb.edu/Stu/psingh/gl.html |
Church-of-Christ.org http://church-of-christ.org |
Around the Block (ATB) http://members.aol.com/KeruxMan/ATB.htm |
Church of Christ at Buda/Kyle http://welcome.to/budakyle |
Lompoc Church of Christ http://members.aol.com/coc2/lompcoc.htm |
the Seeker http://www.theseeker.org/ |
Rich Creek Virginia Church of Christ http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/6225/ |
Tell Me Your Story of Jesus http://www.kiva.net/~gsms |
Sylva Church of Christ http://church-of-christ.org/Sylvach-of-christnc |
Crieve Hall Church of Christ http://crievehall.org/ |
David Mathews' Home Page http://www.geocities.com/athens/agora/3958 |
The Campbell Street Church of Christ http://www.public.usit.net/church |
Sunshine Church Of Christ Website http://www.zoomnet.net/~sunshine |
Ardmore church of Christ http://www.eschatology.org |
Olive St. church of Christ http://www.mexicomo.net/wlsnyder |
Meadowlark Church of Christ http://www.fortnet.org/Meadowlark |
Manassas Church of Christ http://members.aol.com/manacoc |
Pleasant View Church of Christ http://members.aol.com/wpentecost/home.htm |
Angleton Church of Christ Homepage http://www.angleton.tx.us/wdcoc |
Flowchart for the book of Revelation http://members.xoom.com/rvhicks |
University City Church of Christ http://www.afn.org/~uccc/ |
The Christian Library On-Line http://www.churchesofchrist.net |
Sylacauga church of Christ
& The "Gospel Singing Newsletter" http://www.mindspring.com/~sfd302 |
This site was created by Angelique Moses as part of an honors contract with Dr. Jerry Bowling and the Harding Honors College for Christian Education (BRED 330) in the Fall of 1998. |