previous page Lesson 23
Lesson 23

TEXT: Genesis 49 & 50


    1. Discuss what you chose to do from last week's "Searching Our Lives" suggestions.

    2. Discuss what Jacob's seventeen years in Egypt may have been like.


    Chapter 49:

    1. As was the custom in Old Testament times, Jacob, the dying father, called each son before him for a blessing. Many Bibles title this chapter "Jacob Blesses His Sons"; however, not all are blessed as we consider blessings. What did Jacob actually say he was doing when he called his sons together?

    2. After each name below, give a brief summary of what Jacob said to that son. In the line before each name, tell if you consider this a B-blessing, C-curse, or N-neither. You may wish to do some independent study as to how these "blessings" were fulfilled down through the history of the Israelite nation.












    3. What phrase did Jacob use when he said he was dying? (v. 29)

    4. Where did he want to be buried?

    5. Who had bought this burial place?

    6. Who was already buried there?

    7. Describe Jacob's death. (v. 33)

    Chapter 50:

    1. What was Joseph's reaction to his father's death?

    2. How long did it take to embalm the body?

    3. How long did the Egyptians mourn the death?

      1. What favor did Joseph ask of Pharaoh?

      2. Was it granted?

      1. Who went with Joseph for the burial?

      2. Who was left behind?

    4. What place did they stop and mourn for seven days?

    5. What did Joseph and his brothers do after the burial?

      1. In 50:15, what did the brothers fear?

      2. Why?

    6. What was Joseph's reaction to their fears?

    Note: The brothers again fulfill Joseph's dream of long ago as they bow down to him. (See Genesis 37:5-11.)

    1. Joseph said, "You intended to _______ me, but God intended it ____ ________ to accomplish what is now being done, ____ _______ ___ _______ _______." (v. 20, NIV)

    2. How long did Joseph live?

    3. What assurance did he give his brothers as he was about to die?

    4. What did he ask of his brothers?

    5. Where was his body placed?

    6. Where was he eventually buried? (See Exodus 13:18-19, Joshua 24:32, and Hebrews 11:22.)


    1. Read Matthew 1:2-3 and Luke 3:33. Through which son of Jacob does the blessing of the Messiah come?

    2. Read Genesis 49:9 and Revelation 5:5. What phrase is used in both passages to refer to Jesus?


    1. Jacob was "gathered to his people." What are some phrases we use to say someone died?

    2. Why do you think Joseph seemed to grieve more than his brothers for his father's death? (50:1)

    3. Do you feel the brothers were justified in their fear of Joseph at the death of their father? What does that tell you about the lasting effects of guilt?

    4. Can you think of something (or someone) in your life that was meant for evil but that God used for good?

    5. How are we tempted to put ourselves in the place of God? (Genesis 30:2 and 50:19)


    1. We're not blessed with the gift of prophecy as Jacob was, but based on your knowledge of the personalities of your own children (or grandchildren), write a "blessing" for each child, telling the desires you have for his or her life in walking with the Lord.

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