Lesson 23
Lesson 23
TEXT: Genesis 49 & 50
- Discuss what you chose to do from last week's "Searching Our Lives" suggestions.
- Discuss what Jacob's seventeen years in Egypt may have been like.
Chapter 49:
- As was the custom in Old Testament times, Jacob, the dying father, called each son before him for a blessing. Many Bibles title this chapter "Jacob Blesses His Sons"; however, not all are blessed as we consider blessings. What did Jacob actually say he was doing when he called his sons together?
- After each name below, give a brief summary of what Jacob said to that son. In the line before each name, tell if you consider this a B-blessing, C-curse, or N-neither. You may wish to do some independent study as to how these "blessings" were fulfilled down through the history of the Israelite nation.
- What phrase did Jacob use when he said he was dying? (v. 29)
- Where did he want to be buried?
- Who had bought this burial place?
- Who was already buried there?
- Describe Jacob's death. (v. 33)
Chapter 50:
- What was Joseph's reaction to his father's death?
- How long did it take to embalm the body?
- How long did the Egyptians mourn the death?
- What favor did Joseph ask of Pharaoh?
- Was it granted?
- Who went with Joseph for the burial?
- Who was left behind?
- What place did they stop and mourn for seven days?
- What did Joseph and his brothers do after the burial?
- In 50:15, what did the brothers fear?
- Why?
- What was Joseph's reaction to their fears?
Note: The brothers again fulfill Joseph's dream of long ago as they bow down to him. (See Genesis 37:5-11.)
- Joseph said, "You intended to _______ me, but God intended it ____ ________ to accomplish what is now being done, ____ _______ ___ _______ _______." (v. 20, NIV)
- How long did Joseph live?
- What assurance did he give his brothers as he was about to die?
- What did he ask of his brothers?
- Where was his body placed?
- Where was he eventually buried? (See Exodus 13:18-19, Joshua 24:32, and Hebrews 11:22.)
- Read Matthew 1:2-3 and Luke 3:33. Through which son of Jacob does the blessing of the Messiah come?
- Read Genesis 49:9 and Revelation 5:5. What phrase is used in both passages to refer to Jesus?
- Jacob was "gathered to his people." What are some phrases we use to say someone died?
- Why do you think Joseph seemed to grieve more than his brothers for his father's death? (50:1)
- Do you feel the brothers were justified in their fear of Joseph at the death of their father? What does that tell you about the lasting effects of guilt?
- Can you think of something (or someone) in your life that was meant for evil but that God used for good?
- How are we tempted to put ourselves in the place of God? (Genesis 30:2 and 50:19)
- We're not blessed with the gift of prophecy as Jacob was, but based on your knowledge of the personalities of your own children (or grandchildren), write a "blessing" for each child, telling the desires you have for his or her life in walking with the Lord.