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... but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,
and that believing you may have life in His name.
  John 20:31

Lesson 10, John 13 & 14

    Humility: Jesus and the Father (John 13:1-5)
  1. What did Jesus know about the hour?

  2. Describe the setting of the Last Supper. See also Matt. 26:17-35; Mark 14:12-25; Luke 22:7-38

  3. What does verse 3 say Jesus knew?

  4. Who would be greatest in the kingdom had been a point of contention among the apostles (Luke 22:24; Mark 9:34). What lesson did Jesus teach by washing His disciples' feet?

    Holiness: Jesus and Peter (John 13:6-11)

  5. How did Peter react?

  6. What did Jesus teach from Peter's overreaction?

    Happiness: Jesus and the Disciples (John 13:12-17)

  7. How was washing the apostles' feet an act of humility?

    What lessons did the Teacher want his students to learn from this act?

  8. From verse 17, how does Jesus say we will be blessed or happy? See Acts 20:35.

    Hypocrisy: Jesus and Judas (John 13:18-35)

  9. What reason did Jesus give for telling His disciples beforehand what would be taking place? See John 13:19 and 14:29.

  10. Besides the looming hour, what else troubled Jesus' spirit?

  11. How did Jesus identify the betrayer to the beloved disciple?

    What happened next?

  12. What indications are there that the betrayer was just as credible a disciple as any of the others with Jesus? See verses 22, 28 and 29.

  13. Satan is a formidable foe. How do we prevent being deceived and used by him? See Ephesians 4:27; James 4:7; II Corinthians 2:10-11.

    How did Satan reach Judas? See John 12:6

  14. How are Jesus and God to be glorified?

  15. Leviticus 19:18 taught the Jews that they were to love their neighbor as they love themselves. What new standard did Jesus give the apostles?

    How does that standard differ from the Mosaic standard?

      How are Jesus' followers still known by the world?

    "Lord, Where Are You Going?" (John 13:36-38)

  16. What confused Peter next?

  17. Peter professed he would lay down his life for Jesus. History says he did become a martyr in the name of Jesus. What did Jesus tell Peter would happen first?

  18. What troubling things had the apostles heard in chapter 13?

    "Let not your hearts be troubled." Jesus Himself showed signs of a troubled spirit that night (13:21). Yet He proceeded to comfort the apostles with six wonderful assurances:

    I. You Are Going to Heaven (John 14:1-6)

  19. What did Jesus tell them He would be doing when He went away?

  20. As Thomas inquired, how can we know the way to join Jesus? See Acts 4:12; I Timothy 2:4-6.

    What other ways do men try to get to Heaven?

    II. You Know the Father Right Now (John 14:7-11)

  21. The word "Father" is used 53 times in chapters 13-17. What claim was Jesus making when He said seeing Him was the same as seeing the Father?

  22. What is the relationship between Jesus' words and works?

      Do your words and works send the same message, or do they sometimes contradict each other?

    III. You Have the Privilege of Prayer (John 14:12-15)

  23. What three things did Jesus tell the apostles would contribute to an effective prayer?

  24. In view of Jesus' promise to do whatever we ask of Him, how do you understand prayers that are not answered as anticipated?

    IV. You Will Have the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-18)

  25. Whom did Jesus promise to send? What will He be called? Where would He live?

    V. You Enjoy the Father's Love (John 14:19-24)

  26. How can someone who loves Jesus be recognized?

    What are the benefits of loving Jesus and keeping His word?

    VI. You Have His Gift of Peace (John 14:25-31)

  27. What did Jesus say the Holy Spirit would do for the apostles?

  28. Write John 14:27 in this box.

    How is Jesus' peace different from the world's peace?

  29. Realizing that the ruler of this world was coming and would rail and slander Him through the mouths of men and cause His death, why did He say, "he has nothing in me"?

  30. Jesus again stresses the importance of obedience. In what way was He the ultimate example of this kind of obedience?

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