Pondering last week’s lesson, share any tribulation you experienced this week and how Jesus’ words brought you comfort.
At what point of your tribulation did you think to pray to your Father?
- For whom did Jesus pray in the following verses?
John 17:1-5 ________________________________________________________________
John 17:6-19 ________________________________________________________________
John 17:20-26 ________________________________________________________________
The Prayer To Be Glorified (John 17:1-5)
- The hour has come. How will an un-glorified death glorify the Son and thus the Father?
How has Jesus always been about glorifying His Father?
How do we practice similar humility of self to the Father’s glory?
- What will Jesus give to those whom the Father has given Him?
- From verse 3, what is eternal life?
- At this very hour, the Jewish leaders were plotting to arrest, try and convict Jesus before He could further damage Judaism and their way of life. Yet Jesus said He had accomplished all the work that was given Him to do. What did He accomplish?
- Describe Jesus’ request of the Father in verse 5.
The Prayer for the Apostles (John 17:6-19)
- Read Exodus 3:13-15. The Old Testament Jew knew His God as Jehovah, the Great I Am. Now that you are familiar with Jesus’ seven I AM statements, how did Jesus manifest God’s name to His disciples and to us today?
- What commendations of the apostles did Jesus make in verses 6 - 8?
- What did Jesus say He had given the apostles?
How does knowing you are a gift from God to Jesus encourage you to live a more godly life? How do your everyday activities bring glory to God and Jesus?
- As followers, what is our purpose? See Ephesians 1:6, 12, 14; 2:10.
- How do these divine resources help us to bring glory to God?
John 17:7-8 - His word ______________________________________________________
John 17:9 - His intercession for us (See Romans 8:34) _______________________________
John 17:11- the fellowship/unity of the church _________________________________
- What was Jesus asking on behalf of the men given to Him by the Father?
- Jesus had kept those whom God had given Him, except the son of perdition. Why was Judas lost, and why is he called the son of perdition?
- Describe the “joy” of which Jesus speaks here in John 17:13 and in John 15:11.
How is this same joy available today?
- Why does the world hate Jesus’ followers?
- What is truth?
How is it possible to be sanctified by the truth? See Ephesians 4:17 - 32 and I Thessalonians 4:1-8.
Jesus did not pray that His followers be kept from the world, but from the evil in this world. How do you live in this world, but not be of the world?
The Prayer for the Church (John 17:20-26)
- Whom else, besides His followers, did Jesus ask the Father to sanctify?
- Jesus also requested of the Father, “that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they may also be in Us.” What did Jesus say would be the desired result of this kind of unity?
- How important is the unity of the church today?
What happens when the church does not behave in a unified manner?
- What is the Lord’s great desire for all His followers?
- In John 15:9 Jesus said, “Abide in My love.” Then in John 17:26 He prayed that the love with which God had loved Him might be in us. How is this love possible and how is it manifested?
- Things were about to get very tough for Jesus emotionally and physically. What points in this prayer make it clear that Jesus was and is the Overcomer?
How privileged we are that the Holy Spirit led John to record the words of Jesus’ earnest prayer to His Holy Father during these final hours. What verse or phrase from this prayer will you make a special effort to keep in your heart this week?