Belonging To God: The Church
teacher's guide Lesson 4

Lesson Four

The “Church” Was People!

Texts: Acts 5:11; 8:1, 3; 9:31; 11:22; 11:26; 12:1, 5; 13:1; 14:23, 27; 15:3, 4; 15:22; 18:22; 20:28

The purpose of this lesson: to stress that the biblical view of the church is people.  To see the church as an institution that is an entity apart from Christians creates problems that will plague those in Christ in many ways.


The writing named Acts in the New Testament makes it obvious that the “church” was people.  The whole church could fear (Acts 5:11).  The church in Jerusalem could be persecuted (Acts 8:1) and could be ravaged (Acts 8:3) by entering houses and dragging men and women to prison.  The church (multiple places) enjoyed [literally, “was having”] peace and could be built up (9:31).  News reached [literally, was heard in] the ears of the Jerusalem church (11:22).  Barnabas and Saul could meet with [or were gathered together with] the church for the purpose of teaching large numbers (11:26).  Herod mistreated some of those who belonged to the church (12:1), and the church prayed for Peter (12:5).  The Antioch church included prophets and teachers (13:1). Barnabas and Paul (Saul) appointed elders in the churches they established, prayed and fasted with them, and commended them to the Lord (14:23).  Barnabas and Paul reported to the church after they gathered them (14:27).  The church at Antioch sent Barnabas and Paul on their way (15:3), and these men were received by the church in Jerusalem (15:4).  The whole church agreed with the apostles’ and elders’ decision (15:22).  The church could be greeted (18:22) and shepherded (20:28).  Acts defines “church” with the acts of people.  Those people who followed Jesus Christ were the church whether they were gathered or not.  They were a community of people who belonged to Jesus Christ and who looked to Jesus Christ for guidance and direction.


Stress that in Acts the moves against “the church” and the reactions of “the church” were acts of people.


For decades—maybe longer—there has existed the tendency for Christians to see themselves as one spiritual reality, and the church as another.  Christians see themselves “as a part of the church” when they agree or are pleased with “the church,” but as not a part of “the church” when they disagree with “the church” or are not pleased with “the church.”  There is a Christian “we” and an institution called “the church.”  Some even hold the concept there are “Christians,” and there is “the church”—as though the two are not the same thing.  In this view, “Christians” are individuals and “the church” is an “institution.”


Talk about (informally discuss) the fact of our tendency to separate “Christians” as one entity and “the church” as another.  Talk about the whys of that separation.


This concern is better understood through illustrations than through statements.  For an example, consider the statement, “I am going to church,” or, “My family goes to church.”  (This is not about “approved words and statements.”  It is about concepts.  Words and statements can be changed, and concepts can remain even with those changes.)  Any statement that uses some form of the expression of “going to church” runs a significant risk of either giving or endorsing the impression that “church” and “being a Christian” are two separate things.  “Church” does not necessarily have anything to do with what one is.  One can be a Christian and have no association with the church.  Or, perhaps the concept that “church” is a place, an address, or a building.  It is something outside of or aside from the Christian.


Discuss the “going to church” mentality.  For what advantages do Christians do that?   (Convenience).  Discuss the problems it can create.  This discussion should be discovery, not a head-butting.


Consider another illustration.  Consider the “we” and “they” or the “I” and “them” language often used by Christians in a congregation.  If Christians are displeased, “they” decided to do that.  If Christians are pleased, “we” did that (though the person or persons speaking may have had no actual involvement).  After years of preaching, I still cannot determine who this mysterious floating “they” are.


Ask class members to give examples of this “in the congregation” language.  Again, this is discovery and insight, not head-butting confrontation.


In the last few decades, many Christians have lost a sense of community.  Consider the first congregation, the church in Jerusalem, in Acts 6.  Evidently, the apostles had been in charge of seeing that the needy were fed (6:2).  The responsibility became so large, the apostles had insufficient time to teach (remember, there were no printed New Testaments).  The apostles recommended 7 men be selected to oversee the task.  This involved a huge transition in the way the congregation did things!  Something 12 apostles directed was to be overseen by 7 men.


Where else does the class think people have lost the sense of community?  Why?  What is the effect? Does this loss impact the church?


Note several things.  (a) Though the church was large—3000 in Acts 2:41, plus daily additions in 2:47, plus multitudes of men and women in 5:14, and plus continual teaching in 5:42—the church maintained a strong sense of community (consider 4:32-37).  (b) It was their devotion to each other that produced the first problem.  (c) The men selected were to be spiritual persons.  They were selected by the congregation.  Their names suggest the 7 selected came from those who were unhappy.  (d) It was appropriate for the apostles to be free to devote themselves to prayer and the ministry of word.


Note that the concept of community was not determined by size then.  Note that the concept of community did not eliminate problems.  Note it was godly for some men to be devoted to prayer and the ministry of the word.


Those first Christians had much to learn!  So do we!  In an increasingly secular society that is increasingly failing in forming and sustaining relationships, Christians/the church need to be a people who are the example of forming and sustaining relationship.  We in truth need to be a community bound together by devotion to Jesus Christ.


To complain about how things have changed improves nothing and makes the complainer more miserable.  From the moment a person enters Christ, that person grows.  He or she always will be at a point in life where there are those less spiritually mature and those more spiritually mature.  The objective of spirituality in a Christian is to grow to the point that spirituality is not about measuring those who grasp less but about teaching them, not about making those who know more (or less) conform to what you grasp but about learning from others so you can increase in faith.


It seems that Christians spend more time in disagreeing and finding fault with each other than they spend in seeking tolerance and understanding.  In the first century, the gap between Jewish Christians and gentile Christians often was enormous.  The gap between disagreeing Christians often is still enormous.  The bridge across the gap of differences is constructed of the materials of (a) eyes that are focused on Jesus Christ and (b) a respect for those Christians with whom we disagree.  It is out of those materials that we build a bridge that restores a sense of community.  Only by restoring community do we become God’s vision of the church.


We need to be the example of reaching out to each other instead of criticizing each other.  We need to understand all serious Christians are motivated by faith—even when we disagree with the faith they express.



For Thought and Discussion


1. Acts makes it obvious the church was what?


“The church” was people.


2. For decades, maybe longer, Christians have tended to do what?


Christians have tended to see themselves as one spiritual reality and the church as another spiritual reality.


3. When do some Christians see themselves as part of the church?  When do they not?


Some Christians tend to see themselves as part of the church when they are pleased with the church, and see themselves as not part of the church when they are displeased with the church.


4. Cite illustration #1given.  Cite illustration #2 given.


The first illustration was based on the “going to church” concept.  The second illustration was based on the ”we” and “they” language used in many churches.


5. One can be what and have no association with what.


Some think that one can be a Christian and have no association with the church.


6. Some see the church as what?


Some see the church as a place, an address, or a building.


7. In the last few decades, many Christians have lost what?


They have lost the sense of Christians/the church being a community.


8. Discuss the transition in Acts 6.


The discussion should include (a) the impact of the situation on the apostles and (b) the huge transition involved.


9. Give the four things you were asked to note about Acts 6.


10. In an increasingly secular society, what do Christians/the church need to be?


Christians/the church need to be an example of forming and sustaining relationships.


11. It seems Christians spend more time in what than what?


Christians seem to spend more time in disagreeing and finding fault with each other than in seeking tolerance and understanding.


12. What are the materials that can build a bridge across the gap of Christian disagreements?


The bridge is built of (a) keeping eyes focused on Jesus Christ and (b) respect for Christians.


13. What will be restored by this bridge?


This bridge will restore a sense of community.

Link to Student Guide Lesson 4

Copyright © 2009
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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