David W. Chadwell |
- The text through the first chapter in five of David Chadwell's books has been transcribed and placed on this Web site to allow you the opportunity to read a sample of each book. And in some cases the full text of his books have been reproduced on this website. Other books should be available at your local Christian bookstore. Check out Amazon.com for books by David Chadwell. Chadwell's book, Jesus' Two Great Commissions, is available FREE through this Web site. His latest book in print, Searching For Eden: The Lie, is available from Quality Publications, P.O. Box 7385, 2719 Race Street, Fort Worth, TX 76111, or call (800) 359-7708.
Becoming God's Spiritual Person, published online by David Chadwell, 2010. There is a difference between being religious and being spiritual. The book affirms the continuing involvement of the activity of the Divine in our salvation. It challenges all those in Christ to seek spirituality. The reader is not challenged to conform to specific values or concepts.
The full text of this book is online at this Web site.
If You Are Going To Be A Shepherd, Walk In The Pasture, published online by David Chadwell, 2008. A congregation can become more spiritually effective through a better understanding of biblical teaching about the role of church leaders. Putting this into practice will remove the gap that often exists between a congregation and their appointed leadership.
The full text of this book is online at this Web site.
Unity and Uniformity in the Early Church, published online by David Chadwell, 2005. A tremendous gap existed between Jewish and Gentile Christians in the early church. They were one in Christ, but they were not uniform in their expressions of faith. Much of the response of Peter and Paul to this struggle still applies in today's church.
The full text of this book is online at this Web site.
Searching For Eden: The Lie, published by Quality Publications (1-800-359-7708), Fort Worth, TX, 2000. Humanity was tragically seduced through Satan's Great Lie in the Garden. Jesus Christ is God's perfect solution to provide perfect forgiveness through perfect atonement.
Exalting Christ, published by World Literature Publications, New Delhi, India, 1992. This book focuses on Jesus Christ. The study includes lessons on Jesus as our Passover, baptism as the sign of our covenant with God, Jesus as our mediator, and the relationship between loving God and loving people.
The full text of this book is online at this Web site.
Jesus' Two Great Commissions: Balancing Evangelism and Edification, published by Christian Education Video, Inc., 1991. The first half of the book is a careful reexamination of evangelism from the birth of Christianity to the close of the first century. The second half of the book carefully examines the extensive instruction given to first-century churches to edify the saved. It emphasizes Jesus' two great commissions: evangelize and edify. It challenges Christians to restore the New Testament's balance between evangelism and edification.
Congregational Unity: Oneness in Christ, published by Christian Education Video, Inc., 1990. The lessons are presented to challenge the reader to take a fresh look at the teachings of the New Testament on unity and apply them to congregational unity.
Having the Faith of Abraham, published by 21st Century Christian, Nashville, TN, 1986. The purpose of this book is to deepen the understanding of God's perfect solution to a Christian's sins and mistakes in the faith of righteousness. That understanding will result in a proper confidence in one's salvation, a daily life which is lived free from the burden of guilt, and a continuing sense of purity before God. The end result will be a joyful life in Christ.
The full text of this book is online at this Web site.
Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees, published by Quality Publications, Fort Worth, TX, 1985. This study takes an in-depth look at Pharisaism -- a problem as old as the New Testament church. All Christians will benefit from learning who the Pharisees were, the traditions of the fathers and how this has influenced the church through the years. Other chapters deal with contrasting the old and modern Pharisaism and human reasoning versus revelation. This book makes an excellent personal study guide and can be used in the classroom as well.
From Prodigal To Priest, published by 21st Century Christian, Nashville, TN, 1983. This book is a study on spiritual development. It focuses on building proper attitudes toward self to attain one's spiritual potential.
The full text of this book is online at this Web site.
Christian Perspectives on Dating and Marriage, published by Quality Publications, Fort Worth, TX, 1980. Twenty-six chapters studying the biblical and psychological aspects of dating and marriage. Perfect for older teenagers and adults. Prepares the Christian to have a successful dating period and marriage.
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