Thoughts For Men Who Would Lead Congregations And For Those Who Would Follow
1. The Objective Of A Congregation's Leadership
2. Who Are You To Write About This?
3. The Desire For Relevance In Society and Culture
4. Spiritual Basics In A Consumer Society
5. Avoiding Oversimplification and Acknowledging Complexity
6. Admitting the Voids In Typical Concepts of Congregational Leadership
7. Forms of First-Century Leadership
8. Comparing and Contrasting 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9
9. When A Congregation Selects Leaders
10. Practical Challenges Confronting Congregational Leaders
11. Challenges Facing People In the Congregation
13. Helping and Hurting Christians As God's Family
14. Faith: Trusting God's Work In Jesus
16. Why?
Chapter One
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