Godly Character and Integrity
Lesson 8

Lesson Eight

Jesus: Our Treatment of Others
and Our Eternal Judgment

Texts: Luke 10:25-37; Matthew 18:21-35; Matthew 25:31-46

Three illustrations Jesus used are the foundation of this lesson. The illustrations are parables. Jesus used each to illustrate the importance of the way we treat others. It is impossible to grow in godly character and integrity and have little concern for other people. Jesus teaches his disciples to demonstrate compassionate concern for others. Jesus can teach a person godly character and integrity only if that person allows Jesus to teach him or her how to treat others.

Illustration # 1: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

The parable: a Jew walking from Jerusalem to Jericho was robbed and beaten by thieves who left him to die. A priest and a Levite, Jewish religious leaders, by chance saw him after the robbery, but each ignored him and his condition. A Samaritan by chance saw the man, felt for him, treated his wounds, and took him to a place of assistance. He cared for the injured Jew the rest of that day, and paid someone to provide continuing care when he left.

Jesus gave this illustration to answer this question: "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus agreed that the one who showed mercy was the man's neighbor.

  1. Read John 4:9. Briefly discuss the relationship between Jews and Samaritans. To gain some insight into this ancient hatred between Jews and Samaritans, read Ezra 4:1-5.

    1. Ordinarily, would a Jew show concern for a Samaritan?

    2. Ordinarily, would a Samaritan show concern for a Jew?

  2. Briefly discuss this question: were that situation reversed, should the Samaritan expect to receive kindness and compassion from the Jew?

  3. What understandings about who our neighbors are should we gain from this illustration?

  4. Briefly discuss those understandings as they relate to "love your neighbor as yourself."

Illustration # 2: The Ungrateful Slave (Matthew 18:21-35)

The parable: a king decided to eliminate his "bad debt" accounts. One bad debt involved a slave who owed the king an impossible sum of money. The king decided to sell the slave, his family, and everything the slave owned. The sum received from that sale would be applied toward the debt. The slave pled with the king for patience and promised the king the impossible--complete repayment. The king was moved by the slave's plea and canceled the debt.

Later the same slave met a fellow slave who owed him a hundred day's wages. He violently demanded repayment. He was unmoved when his fellow slave pled for patience and promised to repay debt. He had his fellow slave jailed until full repayment was made.

The slave's actions were reported to the king. His lack of mercy angered the king so much that the king reinstated the slave's debt. The king gave this wicked slave to torturers to be tortured until the impossible debt was repaid.

"So shall My heavenly Father also do to you, if each one of you does not forgive his brother from his heart."

  1. Briefly discuss the first slave's debt to the king. How did the king respond to the slave's plea?

  2. How did the slave who received the king's mercy treat a fellow slave who owed him a hundred day's wages?

  3. According to the king:

    1. What was the proper response from the slave who received the king's mercy to his fellow slave? (v 33)

    2. How did the incident emotionally affect the king? (v 34)

    3. How did the king respond to the incident? (v 34)

  4. Briefly discuss the relationship between receiving mercy from God and extending mercy to people.

Illustration # 3: Jesus' description of the final judgment (Matthew 25:31-46)

The parable: the Son of Man returned to earth with his angels to pass judgment on the nations. People were separated into two groups to the right and left of his throne. Those on the right were invited to accept an inheritance planned from the world's foundation. They helped the Son of Man when He was hungry, thirsty, without a place to stay, without sufficient clothes, sick, and in prison. Shocked, they replied they did not recall helping Him. He stated when they helped the least they helped Him.

Those on the left were condemned to join the devil and his angels in an eternal fire. They were condemned because they failed to help Him in the same circumstances. They declared their condemnation was unjust because they had not seen Him in such circumstances. He replied that their failure to help the least was a failure to help him.

  1. What would the Son of Man do first when He returned to judge from his throne? (vv. 31-33)

  2. What would he say to those on the right? How would they respond? (vv. 34-39)

  3. What would he say to those on the left? How would they respond? (vv. 41-44)

  4. Briefly discuss the connection between our eternal judgment and our treatment of others.

  5. Who do you think "the least" are?

Link to Teacher's Guide Lesson 8

Copyright © 2002
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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