The objectives of this lesson are (a) to strengthen the Christians' association of Jesus with life and (b) to challenge Christians to consider the foundation of life.
The gospel of John consistently associated Jesus with the concept of life. The gospel opened with that emphasis. In 1:1-5 the preexistent Jesus was the Word who was God's creative agent. The Word was involved in bringing original life into existence on this earth. John said, "In him was life, and the life was the light of men." In chapter 3 Jesus talked to Nicodemus about the new birth--life! In chapter 4 he told the Samaritan woman that he could provide her with "living water"--just as water was essential to life, what he provided was essential to spiritual life. The gospel begins with a definite link between Jesus and life--creative life, life for the seekers, and life for those in need.
Teachers, scan the gospel of John to remind yourselves of John's emphasis on the relationship between Jesus and life. Do note to your class that this gospel begins by stressing the link between Jesus and life.
The emphasis on the link between Jesus and life is stressed throughout the writing. Jesus is the source of eternal life (3:15 and many other statements); is the means of passing from death to life (5:24); can give life to those who come to him (5:40); is the bread of life (6:35, 48, 51); has words that are spirit and life (6:63); is the Light of life (8:12); came that people might have abundant life (10:10); and is the resurrection and the life (11:25). Obviously, the author wanted the original readers of this gospel to associate Jesus with life.
Note specific links between Jesus and life. Note John stresses that Jesus provides access to every dimension of life, not merely one aspect of being alive.
It is critical that those who place their trust in God see God as the source of life. It is critical that those who place their trust in God see Jesus as God's revelation of life. God sent Jesus to give us life! If people do not find life in Jesus, one of God's ultimate blessings will not be experienced in those believers.
The purpose of faith in Jesus is to produce faith in God. Faith in God through Jesus produces life. If this faith does not result in life, we miss the fundamental gift God provides us in the resurrected Jesus Christ.
Two challenges are common to human existence in all cultures: (1) correctly identifying the source of life, and (2) understanding the correct lifestyle [existence] to pursue.
No matter what the culture, wealthy or poor, everyone wants to know (a) where do I find the best life possible and (b) how should I live life.
Commonly, people misperceive the source of life. There are numerous variations of the suggested basic assumptions. Yet, the variations commonly stem from the same basic assumptions. Commonly, if in the person's opportunity, he or she is convinced that the "life worth living" is found in one or a combination of these basic assumptions.
To seek life from a source other than God results in a misunderstanding of life's purpose. A misunderstanding of life's purpose results in a misuse of life.
Assumption # 1: the source of "life worth living" is accessed by possessing things. Frequently we refer to this as materialism. It is the conviction that if I own or have access to the right possessions [in the American culture/society one may acquire access to things by abusing credit], that is the primary route to the "good life." Materialism can be pursued through many variations--winning the lottery, acquiring an unexpected inheritance, becoming a successful entrepreneur, making successful investments, having a successful savings program, being financially successful in business, having more than people around me, etc. It is not possessions that are deceiving. It is the motivation for possessing that is deceiving. One who has nothing can be as materialistic as one who possesses many things. Poverty of itself is not proof that a person is not materialistic. Possessions of themselves are not proof that a person is materialistic. A person can measure life in terms of possessions regardless of what he/she actually has.
In America, it is typical for a person to seek the "good life." In this nation, the "good life" is defined more by advertising, entertainment images, and greed/pleasure considerations than by godly perceptions. It is typical for many Americans to conclude that acquiring or possessing things produces happiness. Thus these people conclude that the real source for the ideal existence is found in possessing. Therefore the basic objective of life is materialism.
Jesus declared material pursuits are not the source of life. Consider Matthew 6:19-34.
Jesus plainly said many times that materialism is not the purpose of life. Any possession acquired as a part of physical existence can be destroyed. In Jesus' day, it could be destroyed by being stolen, by being eaten by creatures, or by decay. Remember, the security systems [which we trust too much] and the means of insuring or protecting our "things" [which are not "lifelong" or eternal] did not exist at that time.
Assumption # 2: the source of the "life worth living" is accessed by pleasure. Likely this is one of the more perplexing assumptions to a distinct group in the American society/culture. Many older Americans endured hard times and privation before they entered an easier existence. They are perplexed by the attitudes of many younger Americans who conclude the purpose of life is "having fun." There is a definable segment of Americans who declare "having fun" to be life's purpose. One goes to college first to "have fun" and second to pursue the training that can provide a lifestyle of "having fun" after college. Some endure their jobs during the week in order to "have fun" on the weekend. Voluntary commitments are assumed when "having fun" is the objective. Contracts [including marriage vows or parenting responsibilities] are valid as long as one is "having fun." If "having fun" vanishes, the contract is canceled or deserted.
Pleasure is a temporary experience, and frequently leaves one feeling empty or depressed. Most older Americans never define life's purpose as "having fun." They fully comprehend delayed gratification. Many younger Americans cannot see life as having a purpose other than "having fun." They expect and demand immediate gratification.
Frequently, in this assumption, "having fun" centers in indulging physical desires. It may be an adrenaline rush; it may be an escape; it may be an indulgence producing a pleasurable response; it may be a thrill. Whatever form of physical desire is satiated, the common denominator is selfishness. Even in a pleasure focus, too often there is little consideration given to "how much pleasure am I giving you," and a lot of consideration given to "how much pleasure you provide me." When a person becomes inwardly focused on his/her own physical desires, he/she easily views others as objects to be used instead of persons of value and worth.
Selfish physical indulgence is frequently associated with "having fun."
Jesus said pleasurable indulgence is not the source of life. Consider Luke 16:19-31.
Jesus never associated the purpose of life with pleasure. The rich figure in the parable/illustration/statement had the "good life" of that day and time--from where he lived to how he dressed, from associates to eating. His daily lifestyle was one of splendor. Yet, he misunderstood the purpose of life.
Assumption # 3: the source of the "life worth living" is accessed by status. A person is convinced that life is empowered to achieve its fullness and potential by occupying a position which declares, "I am better than you, superior to all, or above others." This pursuit encourages attitudes that even most people seeking status resent in others: arrogance, vanity, elitism, shallowness, untrustworthiness, selfishness, etc. Those who make status life's priority frequently are people who (a) possess poor relationship skills or (b) sacrifice relationships on the altar of status. Commonly, to these people things or power are more important than others. When sacrifices must be made, and the choice is between a person [or persons] and a thing, or a person [or persons] and power, or a person [or persons] and opportunity, the person [or persons] lose. People are sacrificed for things, or power, or opportunity.
For some, status is the essence of life. The status may be produced by power, by achievement, by money, by position, or by religious convictions--the means to status is not as significant as attaining status. For some [even those with inner feelings of inferiority!], a person cannot have significance unless he/she is better than someone else. The conviction that status defines life is often a tap root of racism, prejudice, and other attitudes of superiority.
Jesus said status is not the source of life. Consider John 13:5-20 or Luke 10:30-37.
Jesus frequently stressed to his close followers that greatness in God's kingdom is found in serving others, not in being superior to others.
Jesus said he is the source of life. How can that be? (a) In his blood is redemption. (b) In his resurrection is hope. (c) Through him we can see and can come to God.
For one to be the connection to the source of life, he must solve life-destroying problems, he must provide assurance/expectation hope, and he must help others find access to God. Jesus does that. He rescues us from our own evil. He assures us eternal life with God is available to us. He enables us to grasp God's purposes and priorities.
We surely need someone to teach us how to live! America offers the greatest freedoms, the greatest human rights, the greatest prosperity, and the greatest opportunities to the greatest segment of its society in any nation. In offerings to its total population, no nation is a close second. Yet, look at depression in America, suicide in America, addictions in America, divorce in America, abandoned people in America, abuse in America, or inferior family relationships/bonds in America. We have so much! Yet, we do not know how to live.
An honest look at (a) our relationship failures in America and (b) the mess we make of living should convince us that we do not know how to live.
Thought question:
Note each of the assumptions and read Jesus' statements/parables in Matthew 6:19-34. Luke 16:19-31, John 13:5-20, and Luke 10:30-37. Discuss this question: Why is it so easy to see materialism, pleasure, or status as life's source instead of seeing Jesus as life's source?
At the core of our answers must be the understanding that life involves more than the "here and now" and the physical. We are eternal creatures. Life goes beyond physical existence or physical concerns. It is easier to focus on the realities of physical existence than to focus on realities of eternal existence. It always is easy to believe that "now" is permanent and the future is hypothetical.
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Lesson 12