Jesus: The Importance of People to God
teacher's guide Lesson 13

Lesson Thirteen

Jesus Washed Judas' Feet

Text: John 13:1-20

The objectives of this lesson: To illustrate from Jesus' actions what it means to love an enemy; to illustrate the importance of people to God.

The concepts found in this lesson may challenge you to think about God's perspectives in ways you too rarely consider. This lesson contains two challenges. (1) Think without fear in the realization that such thought produces a courageous faith built on understanding. (2) Jesus valued people so much that he would knowingly wash the feet of the person he knew would betray him. Jesus washed Judas' feet intentionally, not accidentally.

Our objective is to get Christians to consider Christianity as more than a list of "do's and don'ts" or some spiritual obstacle course designed by God for Christians to run (a course that has no purpose or objective beyond a blind faith in God).

Let's begin with a perspective on foot washing as a first century custom. This practical, social custom in the middle east region was not [is not] confined to the first century. It was and is an expression of hospitality. In Jesus' lifetime, foot washing was truly a practical expression of humble hospitality. When a host received a guest, the guest was provided with a basin and water to wash his/her own feet, or the host washed the guest's feet, or [in wealthy circumstances] a slave brought water and washed the guest's feet.

Foot washing was a practical expression of typical hospitality that refreshed a guest.

The Jew who washed feet had two considerations. (1) Perhaps the sandaled or bare feet had contacted something ceremonially unclean. Thus, washing defiled feet would make the Jewish washer unknowingly defiled. He/she in ignorance later might do something spiritually inappropriate. (2) Washing feet was an undesirable task. Typically, the lesser washed the feet of the greater. It was easy to consider that task "beneath me." "Why should I do a slave's task?"

For a Jewish person, foot washing could involve religious issues of ceremonial purity and humility issues.

Just as in some countries today [such as homes in Canada], a person who entered a home took off his/her shoes and left them near the door. Two things made this custom practical. (1) The traveler did not "track" dirt into the home. There was/is an effort to separate the dirt of outdoors from the home's cleanliness. (2) In that time and geography, one not could separate self from the weariness of the journey and rest his/her feet. Remember, there were no manufactured shoes--thus boots and shoes as we know them were non-existent. There were no socks or hosiery. Also remember, traveled ways were often rough, producing foot wounds or bruises. Many sandaled people walked, and some traveled barefooted. Clean feet after a difficult journey were [and are!] quite refreshing!

We are accustomed to comfortable shoes that fit. There are few of us that do not have several pairs of shoes--a different pair for each occasion! Not then for the typical person!

Keeping a house clean was much more an inconvenience for them than for us! We often think their hospitality involved acts and kindnesses that seem quite simple to us. We might change our view if we had to carry water to the house from an external source!

Jesus knew his death was near. After supper, he took off his robe and wrapped a towel around his waist. Instead of looking like a highly respected teacher, he looked like a slave! He approached his task as a slave approached it--he prepared to wash feet, then he began to wash and dry his disciples feet. He did something that just was not done! The disciples must have viewed Jesus' act with horror--Jesus washing their feet was absolutely inappropriate! Peter was so embarrassed by the situation that he attempted to keep Jesus from washing his feet!

When those twelve men who looked to Jesus as their teacher saw Jesus present himself as a slave who served, it embarrassed them! To have Him serve them increased their embarrassment!

In this act, Jesus incredibly combined two concepts of purity to illustrate his lesson powerfully. The common concept of purity in ancient Israel was primarily ceremonial purity. Ceremonial purity stressed the act and outer cleanliness. Thus one did the correct act at the correct occasion in the correct way to produce purity [like not violating Sabbath law in Matthew 12:2 or hand washing traditions in Matthew 15:2]. Jesus stressed moral and ethical purity. Right acts had to come from right motives. If one is pure inwardly, he/she will do what is pure outwardly. Consider Matthew 5:27-48 and 23:1-31 for contrasts and examples. In this act Jesus acknowledged the value of outward cleanliness based on the humility generated by love (see John 13:31-35).

Be certain your students understand the basic distinction between ceremonial purity and moral [ethical] purity. The ceremonial concept focuses on the outward act. The moral concept focuses on the inward motive.

In this act, Jesus emphasized to his disciples, after his entire ministry, the importance of looking at self and at others in an entirely different way. We might ask, "How could Judas do what he did when Jesus did what he did?" Two realities are called to your attention. (1) Greed was and continues to be a powerful motive in human behavior. (2) Jesus was kind to Judas to the end granting Judas every reason to turn away from his greed. Jesus was not the justifying reason for Judas' decision and behavior. Judas own reasoning was the justification for his decision and behavior. Judas yielded to his weakness in spite of Jesus' kindness.

Nothing teaches us in such memorable fashion as does a personally embarrassing situation. If embarrassment could not reach Judas, nothing could get his focus off of himself and his desires. The issue was not that Judas was forced to do something he did not wish to do, but he yielded to his selfish nature in a predictable manner.

Consider some lessons we need to note. (1) Following Jesus will require that we surrender to people. Sometimes it would be easier to hate some of those people than surrender to them, yet we surrender even when we know what they are and what they will do. (2) Genuine acts of humility are more the product of the person's motive than of his/her act(s). A person can perform a humble act with a prideful motive. However, prideful motives never result in genuine humility. (3) Genuine acts of humility respect people. Being humble before God involves being humble with people. (4) The attitude as well as the act purifies us [makes us clean]. We are self-deceived if we think we are pure when we are arrogant. (5) If Jesus was not ashamed of being humble, neither should we be ashamed to be humble. We will never be more important than he was [is]. (6) If we want to act like Jesus we should develop the thoughts and attitudes of Jesus. Consider John 14:28 in His devotion to the Father.

There is no way to yield to Jesus' guidance and avoid sacrificing self. Perhaps the surrender of self is our biggest challenge in becoming a godly person. Self-centered existence is a powerful motivation in each of us.

Genuine humility is more a product of who I am [have become] than of what I do. What "I do" merely expresses the humility within. It first arises in our attitudes toward God and filters into our attitudes toward people. It is God Who teaches us how to see people.

For Thought and Discussion

  1. What two challenges does this lesson contain?

    1. Think without fear in the realization that such thought produces a courageous faith built on understanding.

    2. Jesus loved people so much that He knowingly washed the feet of the person He knew would betray him.

  2. Discuss the practice of foot washing in the first century middle east.

    The discussion should include these things: (1) it was a practical expression of hospitality, (2) it was a declaration of humble welcome, and (3) it was a refreshing act.

  3. What two considerations did a Jew who washed feet have?

    1. Would this make the Jewish washer ceremonially unclean?

    2. Is this act, is this situation beneath me? Consider Luke 7:44.

  4. What two things made the practice of foot washing practical?

    1. It kept the house cleaner in a dusty world.

    2. It refreshed the traveler who in many instances walked.

  5. Name four things to be remembered.

    1. There were no manufactured shoes.

    2. There were no socks or hosiery.

    3. The way was often rough and frequently produced foot injuries.

    4. Most people walked.

  6. Discuss Jesus' actions after supper.

    He removed his robe and places a towel around his waist. He visually transformed himself from the teacher to the slave.

  7. What is the concept of ceremonial purity?

    It primarily focused on the external act--if one did the correct act, he/she was pure. Often motive did not factor into the concept of purity.

  8. What is the concept of moral and ethical purity?

    The correct motive produces the correct act. If the motive is incorrect, the act is impure--regardless of the act. It focuses on the internal motive of the person.

  9. Which concept did Jesus stress? Give examples.

    Jesus stressed moral/ethical purity. Matthew 5:27-48 and 23:1-31 provide numerous examples.

  10. What two realities concerning Judas are called to your attention?

    1. What two realities concerning Judas are called to your attention?

      Judas was a man motivated by greed.

    2. Jesus was kind to Judas to the end providing Judas with every opportunity to turn away from his greed.

  11. Give six lessons we need to note.

    1. Following Jesus requires surrender to people.

    2. Genuine acts of humility are a product of motive.

    3. Genuine acts of humility respect people.

    4. The attitude as well as the act purifies us.

    5. If Jesus was not ashamed to be humble, neither should we be. Consider Philippians 2:5-7.

    6. If we want to act like Jesus, we must develop his thoughts and attitudes.

  12. What do you think is the common concept of purity in today's American society?

    This response will be subjective. Remember there is no "correct" answer. Clarify and learn from each response.

  13. [Not for open discussion] What is your concept of purity?

    This is intended to be a personal reflection question.

  14. How do other people factor God's concept of humility into their behavior?

    Make a distinction between being humble for people and being humble for God. One focuses on people's impressions, and one focuses on God's knowledge of motives.

Link to Student Guide Lesson 13

Copyright © 2006, 2007
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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