Obedience, God's Diamond
teacher's guide Lesson 10

Lesson Ten

Obedience and the Temple (Part Two)

Texts: Exodus 40:34-38; Numbers 9:15-23; 1 Kings 8:10-21;
2 Chronicles 5:11-14, 7:1-3, 11-16; Revelation 15:8

The objective of this lesson: to call attention to the fact that God accepted the temple even though God did not instruct David [Solomon] to build the temple. God accepted the temple in the same manner he accepted the tabernacle--by the use of a cloud. Our overall concept of obedience must take God's acceptance of the temple into consideration.

When construction of the tabernacle was complete, it was erected and placed into functional service. The day it was erected, a cloud covered it, and the Lord's glory filled it. The combination of these two occurrences prevented Moses [or anyone else] from entering the tent on this occasion.

God used a cloud to verify His presence and His acceptance of the tabernacle as "the place he caused His name to dwell" (see Deuteronomy 12:5, 11, 13, 14).

From that moment forward, the cloud over the tabernacle provided a unique reminder and guidance system for Israel as they made their wilderness journey from Mount Sinai to the land of Canaan. In the daylight hours, it appeared as a cloud. In the darkness hours, it appeared as a fire. Thus anytime an Israelite looked at the tabernacle, day or night, he or she was visibly reminded God's presence was among them.

When the tabernacle was erected, the nation of Israel had not yet reached Canaan. They needed (1) guidance to their destination and (2) instructions regarding where to camp as they made their journey. The cloud in the day and the fire in the night was a continual visible reminder [to a people who already proved they easily forgot--the incident of the golden calf] of God's presence.

If the cloud lifted, it was God's instruction to break camp and move to a new location. The new location was signified by the settling of the cloud. If the cloud remained over the tabernacle, this was God's instruction for Israel to remain camped at that location. The cloud might remain at a location one day or many days. It was from this cloud's movements that Israel received God's commandments concerning His instructions for remaining at a location or changing locations. In some way Moses was involved in the process of interpreting the cloud's messages.

When the cloud lifted, it provided guidance from God for their journey. When the cloud settled, it provided instruction from God as to where Israel should camp. Moses' involvement in this process is not declared.

The cloud served a prominent role in the formation of the nation of Israel. The Israelites left Egypt at night after the deaths of the Egyptians' oldest sons. The Israelites ate the first Passover meal in Egypt in full preparation for travel (Exodus 12:11). They could leave Egypt at night [at Pharoah's insistence--Exodus 12:29-36] without aid of artificial lighting [can you imagine driving herds and flocks at night, traveling at night without vehicles, and walking at night without flashlights?] because God provided them with light and guidance through a cloud and a "pillar of fire" [a bright cloud??] (Exodus 13:21). At first they traveled away from Egypt by traveling night and day.

Remind your students that the divine presence associated with a specific cloud served a significant role in the Israelite people's flight to freedom to Canaan. Help your students visualize the situation in terms of these Israelites' world then rather than our world of today. Observation: following God is often challenging, demanding, and difficult--but not impossible. God makes it possible to follow Him, but God does not eliminate difficulty in following Him.

The cloud served another purpose. After Israel left Egypt, Pharaoh once again regretted his decision and changed his mind. When this Egyptian king learned Israel was in the wilderness (Exodus 14:3.4), he took his army and pursued Israel with the intent of capturing them and returning them to slavery (Exodus 14:5-14). The army moved much quicker than the mass of Israelites. The Egyptian army was close enough for the Israelites to see them. The Israelites were filled with fear--they knew the reality of their situation! God used the cloud that led them to separate the Israelites from the Egyptian army (Exodus 14:19, 20).

Remind your students of all the lessons Israel should have learned when they were caught between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea. (Exodus 14)

The Israelites understood the cloud signified God's presence. It was Moses' practice to enter a tent to talk with God. In this way God gave Moses continual instructions for the Israelites (Exodus 33:7-11). The Israelites understood when the cloud descended on that tent of meeting God and Moses were talking. [Remember, the tabernacle was erected in Exodus 40.]

Stress the fact that Israel knew the significance of the cloud. The issue was not did the cloud represent God's presence. The issue WAS could the God they followed address the situation they faced. The question was not did Israel know the meaning of the cloud. The question was how much faith did they have in the God of their deliverance.

After the tabernacle was erected, the cloud continued its function. The tabernacle existed for the function of sacrificial worship. The cloud (1) continually reminded Israelites of God's presence and (2) provided them guidance (Numbers 9:15-23). The Israelites understood in the matter of guidance the cloud represented the Lord's command.

God's cloud did not appear for the first time when the tabernacle was placed into service. The cloud signified (1) God accepted the tabernacle and (2) would place His presence in the tabernacle. Remember the cloud provided guidance and the tabernacle was the site for national worship [sacrificial worship].

The presence of the cloud represented God's presence in the nation of Israel to more than just the Israelites. The cloud and the pillar of fire represented God's presence in Israel to other people as well. The cloud confirmed that the nation of Israel had a special relationship with the Lord. Read Numbers 14:14. Moses used the visible presence of the cloud and pillar of fire in his argument that God should not destroy the Israelites for refusing to enter Canaan that first time they came to the border of the promised land.

Not only was this cloud a visible reminder of God's presence to Israel, but it also was a visible evidence of God's presence in Israel to other nations. It was obvious to other nations that Israel and God had a special relationship.

When the elderly Moses reminded the Israelites of their special relationship with God, he referred to the cloud (Deuteronomy 1:32, 33).

The presence of the cloud in Israel's early history had evidential significance to the Israelites in future generations. The successful completion of the wilderness journey by this nation was an act of God.

Nehemiah records part of the process of renewing Israel as a nation following the Babylonian captivity. After a remnant of Israelites returned to the Jewish homeland, they were exposed to the Law's instructions (Nehemiah 8:9). On one occasion, they stood "in place" for a fourth of a day listening to some Levites read the Law. They spent an additional fourth a day confessing and worshipping God (Nehemiah 9:4). As the Levites reminded these people of God's powerful acts that brought them into existence as a nation, they recalled God's leadership by the cloud (Nehemiah 9:12).

Another indication of the evidential significance of the cloud to Israelites long after Israel's wilderness journey. Do call to your students' attention "the inconvenience" Israel endured to learn and react to the message of the law in Nehemiah's restoration.

Isaiah signified a renewal of Israel by the coming of a cloud over Mount Zion (Isaiah 4:5).

Still another evidence in Israel of the coupling of a cloud with God's presence.

In the New Testament, Paul strengthened the reality of the baptism occurrence to the person who became a Christian. He did this by referring to the cloud that led Israel from Egypt (1 Corinthians 10:1, 2). The crossing of the Red Sea forever separated Israel from slavery in Egypt. Just so, baptism declares an irrevocable separation. When Israel crossed the Red Sea with walls of water on each side and the cloud over them, they were baptized. As they were irrevocably separated from their Egyptian slavery by their baptisms, those who become Christians are irrevocably separated from the slavery to evil by their baptisms.

Stress in each incident there is to be a separation involved. We are not baptized merely to comply with a command/teaching. We are baptized (1) because we want separation from evil in our lives and (2) because we wish to follow God.

Just as the cloud represented God's acceptance of the tabernacle in Exodus 40:34-38, the cloud represented God's acceptance of the temple Solomon built in 1 Kings 8:10-17. God specifically stated His acceptance of the temple in 2 Chronicles 5:11-16.

God clearly indicated to Israel that He accepted the temple in the same manner He clearly indicated to Israel He accepted the tabernacle. While some of us might wish to question the significance of the cloud, devout Israelites clearly understood the coming of the cloud.

Through David's desire, Solomon built a temple God did not request. The temple represented David's desire, not God's instruction. Yet, God accepted the temple as His place of worship among the Israelites. Many blessings came from God to Israel because the temple existed and functioned.

In the existence and spiritual role of the Jewish temple, we clearly should see God accepting something to honor Him that He did not request.

For Thought and Discussion

  1. What happened when the tabernacle was erected (Exodus 40:34-38)?

    It was covered with a cloud and filled with the glory of the Lord.

  2. Discuss some ways in which the cloud benefited Israelites.

    In the discussion, be certain to include (1) Israel's guidance when they left Egypt, (2) the separation between the Egyptian army and the fleeing Israelites, (3) God's guidance in the wilderness journey, and (4) God's instruction as to where Israel should camp prior to reaching Canaan.

  3. Recall the situation in which the writing of Nehemiah referred to the cloud.

    Nehemiah used the cloud to remind Israel of their formation as a nation when their forefathers left Egypt. Their current renewal must include God by listening to and following the teachings of the law.

  4. What point did Paul make by referring to the cloud at the Red Sea?

    Paul made the point that just as Israel was separated from Egypt, Christians are to be separated from evil. The final act of separation in both instances was baptism--the covering of water.

  5. How was a cloud used to indicate God's acceptance of the temple? Does the temple illustrate God's acceptance of something He did not command? Explain your answer.

    The cloud covered the temple, the glory of God filled the temple (1 Kings 8:11), and it was impossible for the priests to minister in the temple. Yes, the temple illustrates something God accepted to honor Him that He did not command. (1) The temple existed to honor God--read 1 Kings 8:22-53. (2) The origin of the concept of the temple was David's desire, not God's instruction--read again 2 Samuel 7:1, 2 and 2 Samuel 7:6, 7.

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Copyright © 2006
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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