Obedience, God's Diamond
teacher's guide Lesson 12

Lesson Twelve

A Lesson From Hezekiah

Text: 2 Chronicles 30, 31

The objective of this lesson: to emphasize the connection between seeking to follow God's wishes/instructions and the personal motive of the person/persons.

King Ahaz of Judah, Hezekiah's father, was a wicked man who influenced Judah to be a wicked people (2 Chronicles 28). He guided Judah as a King who was devoted to the idolatrous ways of the kings of Israel [the northern kingdom that began when the nation of Israel divided after the death of Solomon] (see 1 Kings 12:16-33 with emphasis on verses 25-33; 2 Chronicles 10; 11:1-12; 28:2). In no way was Ahaz's influence godly. He worshipped the Baals (2 Chronicles 28:2) and established many sites of idolatrous worship (2 Chronicles 28:4), suffered military defeats, endured the captivity of many people in Judah, made Judah vulnerable to the attacks of enemies, used portions of the temple area for idolatrous sacrifice, filled Jerusalem with altars that ignored God, and worshipped the gods of his strongest enemy. His wickedness provoked God to anger (2 Chronicles 28:25).

Review 2 Chronicles 28. Focus students on the wickedness of Ahaz. Stress the reasons for his becoming a wicked leader/influence--his lack of concern for God and his thirst for personal power. Note the Hezekiah grew up in this home environment, yet became a godly person. Warn against passing judgment on a person because of his or her family background.

Out of this horrible, ungodly environment rose his son Hezekiah to be Judah's King. In contrast, Hezekiah was a man of notable godliness. He was one of the few kings of Judah who led a national reform purposely designed to lead the Kingdom of Judah back to Jehovah God. Whereas his father had closed the temple, Hezekiah cleansed and reopened the temple. He had the Levites to consecrate themselves, remove everything from the temple that honored other gods, and cleanse the temple for the glorification and praise of the God of Israel. His objective was to make a covenant with God and "turn God's burning anger away from us" (2 Chronicles 29:10). He rededicated the temple to its proper worship of God (2 Chronicles 29:20-24) and reinstituted music in song and instruments as God formerly commanded (2 Chronicles 29:25). He renewed sacrificial worship (2 Chronicles 29:29). So immense was this reform that there were too few priests to offer all the burned offerings, so the priests were assisted in the slaughter and butchering of the animals by the Levites (2 Chronicles 29:34-36).

Stress the fact that King Hezekiah approached spiritual reform in Judah with a fervor and determination that could not be stopped. Help your students understand that King Hezekiah has to "undo'" much of what his father, King Ahaz, did. Reversing what your father did is not simple! Given the nature of people in their ease of loving evil, the "undoing" was a difficult, enormous task!

Hezekiah then took a bold, ambitious move. He sent a letter through Israel [not just in Judah] inviting all Jews to return to Jerusalem for a massive Passover celebration on the second month of the Jewish calendar. Exodus 12 gave specific instructions about the manner in which future Passovers were to be kept. On the tenth day of the first month of the Jewish calendar all Israel was to select its offering and keep it in readiness until the fourteenth day. Then all the animals were to be slaughtered to observe the Passover (Exodus 12:2, 3, 6). A year old lamb or goat without blemish was to be slaughtered for each household [or combined households where a household was too small to eat the slaughtered animal] (Exodus 12:4-8). The entire roasted animal was to be eaten or destroyed on that occasion with nothing remaining (Exodus 12:9, 10). This feast on that occasion was to memorialize the day of Israel's exodus from Egypt throughout their generations (Exodus 12:14, 25). In the future, families of each generation were to explain the meaning of the feast to their children (Exodus 12:26, 27).

Read the content of King Hezekiah's letter in 2 Chronicles 30:5-9 and stress its emphasis: (1) Return to God; you have suffered enough tragedy through the Assyrians; (2) do not be like your ungodly fathers and brothers; (3) do not continue your stubborn rebellion--bring an end to God's anger; (4) trust God's compassion by returning to Him. This plea was for northern Israel to return to Jerusalem and the temple for the purpose of honoring God by keeping the Passover. Read Exodus 12 and 13 to refresh your memory of (1) the first Passover and (2) some of the regulations of Passover for future generations.

The Passover was to be followed by a week of eating unleavened bread [to symbolize the haste of Israel's departure from Egypt] (Exodus 12:34; 13:6-10). No uncircumcised male [neither foreigner nor Israelite] was to be permitted to eat the Passover (Exodus 12:43-51). See also Leviticus 23:4-8 and Numbers 28:16-18.

Again, note the regulations and symbolism of the annual Passover remembrance.

The only exception granted was in Numbers 9. The exception was for a Jewish person who was unclean because he touched a dead person or was on a distant journey at the time of the Passover. Such Jewish men could eat the Passover on the fourteenth day of the second month of the Jewish calendar. However, if an Israelite failed to keep the Passover because of neglect, he was to be cut off from the nation. Proper observance of the Passover was a serious matter in Israel!

Note this celebration of the Passover occurred on the wrong month. Note, even though it was celebrated on the wrong month, God was pleased (2 Chronicles 30:12).

Hezekiah in his reform effort wanted a massive observance of the Passover as happened in former times (see Deuteronomy 16:1-8). However, the men who carried his invitation to the northern kingdom of Israel did not receive a respectful or serious reception. Many laughed at or mocked them. Yet, some people from Asher, Manasseh, Zebulun, Ephraim, and Issachar came (2 Chronicles 30:11,18). However, several who came from Israel were not appropriately prepared to take the Passover. They were impure but still ate the Passover while in violation of purity ordinances (2 Chronicles 30:18).

Note many rejected King Hezekiah's invitation in a demeaning manner, but some accepted the invitation. Never conclude before making an effort who will accept God and who will deny God. It must have been a difficult decision for those who came--coming in the face of ridicule was not simple!

King Hezekiah prayed for their pardon asking God to accept those who prepared their hearts to seek Him but were unprepared "according to the purification rules of the sanctuary" (2 Chronicles 30:18, 19--NAS).

The King himself prayed to God for the acceptance of unprepared people. He did not condemn them or criticize them, but prayed for them. He beseeched God in their behalf!

2 Chronicles 30:20 states without elaboration, "So the Lord heard Hezekiah and healed the people."

If God heard Hezekiah's prayer and healed the people, that declares God's acceptance of these people though they were in violation of purity regulations.

Here are people in violation of purification rules who were allowed to participate in the Passover meal that was conducted on the wrong month. This occurrence should be factored into our obedience concept.

Stress the insight into God provided by this incident. Stress God's sovereignty--God can do as He wishes!

Apparently, the concept of obedience is not the "black and white" issue some affirm it is. Obviously, the intents and motives of the person is a factor God considers when the person seeks to honor God.

Our concept of obedience must not exclude God's sovereignty. God is not bound by obedience--we are. God is free to respond to us in mercy and grace anytime He chooses. We do not determine when that divine response occurs--God does.

For Thought and Discussion

  1. Read 2 Chronicles 28 and discuss Ahaz's wicked influence in Israel.

    The discussion should include the fact that King Ahaz (1) promoted idolatry and (2) sought personal power.

  2. What lessons do you think we should learn from the fact that Hezekiah came from such a wicked family?

    One lesson is that a godly person can rise from a wicked environment. Another lesson is that we should not judge a person by his or her past environment. Acceptance or rejection should be based on the thoughts and behavior of the person, not his or her past environment.

  3. Discuss Hezekiah's reform acts.

    This discussion should include (1) his efforts to cleanse the temple and (2) his restoration of temple worship.

  4. What was Hezekiah's bold, ambitious move?

    He invited the remaining people of the kingdom of northern Israel to attend a renewal of the Passover gathering/feast/worship.

  5. Read Exodus 12 and state the Passover regulations for future generations of Israelites.

    (1) The killing of the year old unblemished lamb/goat was to occur on the evening of the fourteenth day of the first month. (2) The slaughtered animal was to be roasted with its entrails. It was to be consumed in one meal. It was to be eaten with bitter vegetables. Remnants were to be destroyed by fire that evening. (3) No uncircumcised person was to be permitted to eat the meal. (5) An Israelite who neglected to eat the meal was to no longer to be accepted as part of the nation.

  6. Was the keeping of the Passover a serious matter for Israelites? Explain your answer.

    It was a serious matter. Israelites who neglected the meal and remembrance were to be separated from the nation of Israel. No other nation had a society like Israel's. Such rejection would bring numerous hardships.

  7. Explain the exception permitted in Numbers 9.

    An exception was granted Israelites who were unclean by reason of touching a corpse [such as conditions produced by preparing a relative for burial] and for Israelites on a distant journey. These people were permitted to observe the Passover memorial a month later.

  8. What was the situation with several who came from the northern kingdom?

    They were not personally qualified to eat the meal because they were ceremonially impure.

  9. In regard to them, what did Hezekiah pray?

    He prayed that God would pardon them and look at their hearts.

  10. Did God accept them? Explain your answer.

    Yes, God accepted these people. 2 Chronicles 30:20 states God heard Hezekiah and healed the people.

  11. What lessons regarding the concept of obedience do you think Christians should learn from this incident?

    The response to this will be as individual as the students who respond. Three points should be emphasized: (1) the sovereign God can exert His sovereignty whenever He chooses; (2) all we humans are bound by God's specific instructions [we cannot knowingly rebel and expect God to exert His sovereignty in our behalf. Yet, we must be careful not to insist on keeping an "instruction from God" when God gave no specific instruction.]; (3) a person's motives are significant to God.

Link to Student Guide Lesson 12

Copyright © 2006
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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