Teacher's Guide Sheets: this material is designed to be flexible, reflect the interest and
study of the teacher, and take on the personality of the class. The following information
about the questions is not intended to replace the teacher's focus, study, or ideas. The
information is provided only as an aid to your study and thinking. No teacher should
routinely, slavishly follow the answers. Make the class alive and relevant with your ideas
and study.
The New American Standard Bible is the basis for the questions. Any translation is fine. Note: Italicized sentences do not appear in the student lessons. |
Important Note To Students And Teachers
Lesson 1 Use of the Word Disciple in The Gospels and Acts
Lesson 2 The Concept of Discipleship
Lesson 3 The Objective of Discipleship: Transformation
Lesson 4 Examples of Transformation
Lesson 5 Spiritual Maturity
Lesson 6 The Effects of Growth
Lesson 7 The Concept of Elders
Lesson 8 1 Timothy 3 and Elders
Lesson 9 Titus 1 and Elders
Lesson 10 Elders Are Disciples, Too
Lesson 11 A Shared Vision
Lesson 12 Challenges
Lesson 13 Togetherness