Disciples and Elders Together
Lesson 4

Lesson Four

Examples of Transformation

Texts: Ephesians 4:17-32 and Colossians 3:5-11

Most of us are benefited in powerful ways by illustrations. Two New Testament examples show us the meaning of transformation in ways we can see and understand. Carefully read the two texts for this lesson.

First, consider Ephesians 4:17-32. Previously, Paul emphasized (a) Jesus Christ's significance [chapter one], (b) what Jesus Christ did for them [chapter two], (c) what Jesus Christ did for Paul [chapter three], and (d) the Christian community's objectives [4:1-16]. Their understanding involved the responsibility to behave as transformed people. Focus on the structure of 4:17-32.

  1. Do not live like the people you were. The ignorance of those who do not know the Father of Jesus Christ results in a lifestyle of physical indulgence.
  2. That is not what you learned about existence in Christ.
  3. You learned and understood that the core of existence in Christ demanded a new existence requiring you to abandon the old Christless lifestyle to live a new lifestyle that looked to God's righteousness and holiness.
  4. The result:
    1. You will be truthful.
    2. You will reject anger.
    3. You will stop stealing and help others.
    4. You will carefully watch what you say; your words will encourage, not destroy.
    5. You will not oppose God's presence or work in your life.
  5. You will not be controlled by destructive emotions but be trained by God in Christ to have godly emotions expressing themselves in your treatment of others.

Notice these things. First, there is a marked contrast in what they were in pre-Christian existence and what they were to be in Christian existence. Second, the power that made that transition possible was Jesus Christ. Third, what occurred in them was to be transformation. Fourth, their full transformation had not occurred. Fifth, prior to conversion they were untrustworthy people who lied, were angry, stole, used a destructive vocabulary, opposed God's influence in their lives, and were controlled by destructive emotions. Sixth, the transformed person was to be trustworthy, truthful, an enemy of personal anger, helpful to others, encouraging, not opposing God in their lives, and controlled by godly interactions and emotions.

All this occurred in converted people because they found the strength in Christ to be a transformed people. It was more than membership. It was being.

Another lesson: Paul called them "saints who are in Ephesus, who are faithful in Christ Jesus" (1:1). Yet, "they had a long way to go" to be God's transformed people. Transformation is a growth/development process resting on (a) the grace and mercy found in Christ and (b) the willingness of the converted person to be responsible in living as a transformed person.

Second, there is a lot of similarity to be found in Paul's letter to the Colossians. The preface to the section you are asked to consider (Colossians 3:5-11), emphasized understanding their participation with Jesus Christ in his resurrection, renewed thinking, and Christ "who is our life." Understanding these things resulted in (a) considering a lifestyle based on physical indulgence as dead, (b) a change in behavior, and (c) understanding transformation removes physical distinctions. Verses 12-17 described the changes that would occur in people at Colossae who changed lifestyles because they knew and entered Christ.

Again, the letter is addressed to "the saints and faithful brethren in Christ who are at Colossae" (1:2). Obviously, these Christians had much to learn and understand about being transformed. Human criteria did not measure the process of transformation. God through Jesus Christ measured the process of transformation. God knew whether there was effort and understanding. Other Christians may not.

Notice the emphasis on transformation in the Colossae context: continuance in physical self indulgence invited God's angry reaction; they would not be controlled by destructive emotions and destructive speech; they would not lie. Instead, transformed people had a changed knowledge formed by their spiritual creator. This changed way of looking at God resulted in a different way of seeing all people.

A list of changed behaviors among Christians at Colossae occurred in Colossians 3:12-17.

  1. They will develop hearts of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
  2. They will endure each other in a spirit of forgiveness using the Lord's forgiveness as a pattern.
  3. They will live by love which is the foundation of unity.
  4. They will be ruled by Christ's peace internally.
  5. They will value the one body of Christ.
  6. They will be grateful.
  7. They will allow Christ's word to dwell in them richly as they gratefully teach and admonish each other.
  8. Christ will direct every aspect of their lives as they gave thanks to God through him.

Again, note: (a) The nature of these qualities requires a growth process. (b) They will change human relationships profoundly. (c) Christ is the source of change. (d) They acknowledge responsibility to Christ's body. (e) They are grateful to God for the change.

Transformation was presented as beneficial. It changed human relationships. The Christian was grateful to God through Christ for its occurrence.

For Thought and Discussion

  1. What four things were you asked to note in the background of Ephesians 4:17-32?

  2. Discuss the structure of Ephesians 4:17-32.

  3. What six things were you asked to notice?

  4. What other lesson is found in both Ephesians and Colossians?

  5. Understanding the preface's emphasis resulted in what three understandings in Colossians?

  6. What would transformation "look like" among Christians at Colossae?

  7. What five qualities of transformation are noted in Colossians?

  8. How did Paul present transformation?

Link to Teacher's Guide Lesson 4

Copyright © 2008
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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