Useful to God
teacher's guide Lesson 4

Lesson Four


Texts: Genesis 12:10-20; 17:1-5; Joshua 24:2, 3

In the rest of our study for this quarter, we will examine the lives of some people useful to God in the Old Testament. Next quarter we will examine the lives of some people useful to God in the New Testament. In both studies your attention is called to this fact: God often used people who had major flaws to accomplish His purposes.

Stress to your students that the rest of this quarter will focus on (1) God's blessings to anyone. (2) His ability to use anyone is NOT dependent on the person's past or the person's present flaws, but DOES depend on the person's willingness to trust God. Trust is dependence on Him and His guidance in one's life.

The fact that God could and can use people with significant flaws to achieve His purposes emphasizes several things. (1) It emphasizes the power is in God, not people. (2) The fundamental issue is not the past of the person, but the person's willingness to grow in God. (3) A person who repents should not be measured by the flaws of his/her past, but by the demonstration of his/her faith in God in serving God's purposes.

Stress that usefulness to God is not dependent on human flaws but on God's power and adequacy. Dependence on God can change us and redirect our lives.

There is no individual in scripture (aside from God and Jesus) spoken of more frequently than Abraham. A multitude of nations, including Israel, trace or traced their origin to Abraham. The promise from God that resulted in Jesus Christ was given to Abraham. The nation from whom the Messiah came descended from Abraham. The greatest gift God gave a sinful world began with Abraham's faith.

Stress the biblical emphasis on Abraham's faith. Perhaps an illustration of Abraham's greatness is seen in the fact that his faith continues to be the standard for human faith. Even Christians may (perhaps) equal Abraham's faith, but never surpass it.

Yet, God was able to use Abraham, (1) not because Abraham was without flaws from his beginning, but (2) because Abraham was willing to become a man who trusted God. It was not "who he was at the beginning" that was remarkable, but "who he became as a result of his faith in God" that is remarkable. As obedient as Abraham was, scripture does not emphasize his obedience. Scripture emphasizes his faith. He was a man of great obedience to God because he was a man who greatly trusted God.

Abraham's usefulness to God did not develop because Abraham was humanly "perfect."

Joshua said to all the people, "Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, 'From ancient times your fathers lived beyond the River, namely, Terah, the father of Abraham and the father of Nahor, and they served other gods. Then I took your father Abraham from beyond the River, and led him through all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his descendants and gave him Isaac (Joshua 24:2, 3).

The point Joshua made to Israel when he spoke these words was, "You can worship and follow any idol you choose (which idol you choose will be insignificant). However, my family will worship the God who gave us this land." The observation called to your attention is this: Abraham's father, Terah, served idols. As Abraham grew up, he grew up in an idol worshipping-serving household. It is definitely possible that Abraham did not know God, did not serve God, and did not follow God prior to receiving God's call. Can you imagine listening to and believing in God's call when you first met God?

Joshua urged the Israelite people to make an unconditional commitment to God. In doing so he observed the patriarch Abraham came from an idolatrous origin. Since idols do not represent a living god, the issue was not which idol one worshipped. The issue was did the person worship and serve God.

The request Abraham received from God in Haran after his father's death was anything but small. Leaving his country, his relatives, and his father's family to go to an undisclosed destination was enormous! He was leaving the people who would care for him and his immediate family in situations of distress--these people were his insurance policy, his material security! God's venture required enormous courage and confidence!

Stress the enormous courage it took to yield to God's directions. Perhaps relate it to situations today when we hesitate to follow God's guidance.

After showing great courage in leaving, Abraham encountered a severe famine in Canaan. To solve the problems brought by the famine, he went to Egypt. Before entering Egypt, Abraham asked his beautiful wife Sarah (Sarai), to tell the Egyptians she was his sister. He feared the Egyptians would kill him to marry his wife. Though she was his half-sister as well as his wife (Genesis 20:12), Abraham in this situation thought only of himself and his life.

Stress after leaving Haran, in a perceived crisis moment, Abraham allowed concern for self to determine his actions.

Abraham's confidence in God, as great as it was, needed to grow. It grew beyond selfishness (consider his willingness to offer Isaac in Genesis 22), but in this situation his confidence in God competed with his selfishness. The man of great faith in God also had moments of selfish concern.

Note crisis moments that test commitment can come after remarkable acts of commitment. Abraham became quite self-centered after his remarkable departure from Haran.

Please note these things: (1) Weakness can grow to strength. (2) At the same moment, a person is capable of doubt and confidence. (3) The objective is to diminish the doubt and increase the confidence. (4) The fact that a person has a shaky beginning does not mean the person is not capable of yielding to and encouraging great spirituality.

Deep spirituality is the result of continued growth over a long period of time.

It is easy to conclude that a person is born to great spirituality. It is easy to conclude that the potential for great spirituality does not exist in you. It is easy to conclude there are too many difficulties in your life for you to become a deeply spiritual person of great commitment.

Spiritual development is dependent on (1) trust in God and (2) a commitment to continued spiritual development, not on one's past.

The spirituality of commitment to God is a matter of trust, not of birth, is a matter of confidence, not of convenience. The issue is not your obstacles. The issue is your ability to place your confidence in God.

Stress that we need to keep the focus of the issue where it belongs, not on our anxieties. Keeping the true issue properly focused is a part of having faith.

God did not look at Abraham's background and flaws. He looked at Abraham's spiritual potential. God gave Abraham opportunity to trust. God also looks at your potential, not your past or your flaws. He, too, will grant you opportunity to trust. As with Abraham, your opportunities will be the product of your real life experiences.

Be sensitive to your opportunities to trust, and place your confidence in God as you live your life.

For Thought and Discussion

  1. What will be the focus of our study for the rest of this quarter?

    The focus will be on the lives of some people who were useful to God in spite of problems.

  2. Name 3 things emphasized by the fact God can use flawed people to achieve His purposes.

    1. The power is in God, not people.

    2. The fundamental issue is not in a person's past, but his/her willingness to grow in God.

    3. The person who repents should not be measured by the flaws of his/her past, but by a demonstration of his/her faith in God as he/she serves God's purposes.

  3. Why was God able to use Abraham?

    1. God did not use Abraham because he was a person without flaws.

    2. God used Abraham because he was willing to become a person who trusted God.

  4. What was Joshua's point when he spoke Joshua 24:2, 3 to Israel?

    You can worship any idol (god) you choose, but my family will worship God Who gave us this land.

  5. What observation is called to your attention?

    Abraham's father, Terah, served idols.

  6. What was enormous about God's request of Abraham after his father died?

    He was asked to leave his "emergency security" to follow God's guidance.

  7. Regarding the incident concerning his wife, what did Abraham's confidence in God need?

    It needed to grow.

  8. What 4 things were you asked to note about Abraham's confidence in God?

    1. Weakness can grow to strength.

    2. At the same moment, a person is capable of doubt and confidence.

    3. The objective is to decrease doubt and increase confidence.

    4. The fact that a person has a shaky beginning does not mean he/she is incapable of yielding to and encouraging great spirituality.

  9. The spirituality of commitment to God is what?

    1. It is a matter of trust, not of birth.

    2. It is a matter of confidence, not of convenience.

Link to Student Guide Lesson 4

Copyright © 2008
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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