What's Happening at West-Ark?

“Making disciples for Jesus who are eager to serve others.”

July 2007

As a member of our church family, you will be blessed as you draw closer to Christ and your fellow disciples. Drawing closer happens through worship, service, and being nurtured in your spiritual growth. Our various ministries offer opportunities for you to worship, grow, and serve.

This copy of “What’s Happening at West-Ark?” is your handy guide to mission and ministry in the West-Ark Church of Christ family. Use it as a reference to contact ministry leaders. Use it when you or someone you know might benefit from these services. Use it to learn how you can get involved in service to others. Use it to find a ministry that will encourage your spiritual growth. To help you find your way through this guide, follow these frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) that come straight from our purpose statement – Making disciples for Jesus who are eager to serve others!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

How can I grow as a disciple of Jesus?
How can children grow and serve?
How can teens grow and serve?
How can college students grow and serve?
How can I serve others?
How does West-Ark touch the world?
Who do I contact about ... ?

  How can I grow as a disciple of Jesus?  

Care Groups
Contact Position Open
These small groups function as a caring community, building Christian relationships, meeting the needs of individuals, and helping them become incorporated into the church family. Care Groups meet at a time and place determined by the group.

Dynamic Family (formerly His Needs/Her Needs)
Contacts: Jeff & Michelle Lovelace (648-1594)
Mat Griffin (452-1472)
Paul Shirley (474-5256)
An eight-week interactive marriage class that consists of 12 couples who meet weekly in a warm and friendly environment designed to fine tune good marriages, strengthen weak marriages, and heal broken marriages.

Education Ministry
Adult Coordinator, Barry Owen (479) 996-6149
Junior - Senior High Coordinator, position unfilled
Elementary Coordinator, Carolyn Harrell (479-646-3325)
Pre-School Coordinator, Dena Jenkins (478-6486)
The Education Coordinators work to maintain a qualified teaching staff and provide supplies and equipment for the teachers.

Fellowship Meals
Contacts: Curtis McDonald (452-7148)
Bruce Davenport (484-7047)
The last Sunday of each month, a fellowship meal is provided after the evening worship service. The congregation is asked to bring the desserts!

Financial Peace University
Contacts: Jeff & Michelle Lovelace (648-1594)
Enjoy 13 lessons that deal with different topics each week that will change the way you think about personal finance. You will learn how to save money, live on a budget, communicate about money, eliminate debt, find bargains, and experience the joy of giving like never before.

Contacts: John Lankford (782-5148)
Joyce Chadwell (646-6879)
Nicole Wilson (918-427-3134)
Duane Walker (474-1822)
The Lester H. Walker Memorial Library contains thousands of "pieces of information" -- books, videos, and audio tapes. Members can request a list of topics containing a short review and the availability of the books. We can also purchase Bibles for members at a discount. Free study articles and information are maintained on a table outside the Library. We can also help locate a resource for your specific needs. Additionally, anyone may make memorial donations.

LIFE Groups
Contact: Chris Benjamin (452-1240 work, 414-1643 home)
West-Ark's LIFE Group Ministry builds relationships. We believe that LIFE Groups provide a great opportunity for meeting one another's needs on a personal level, creating strong ties of love, and deepening Christian faith.
LIFE groups meet one night a week in a casual setting for prayer, Bible study, and fellowship. As we draw closer to God, we get to know each other better as each member is cared for, nurtured, and encouraged.
LIFE Groups are for anyone and everyone. If you are a new member or have recently moved into the area, let us help you find a Group. If you have been a member of West-Ark for many years and would like to experience the Love, Involvement, Fellowship, and Evangelism that these groups are all about, let us help you find a Group. Participating in a LIFE group will enable you to more easily participate in the LIFE of Christ and the LIFE of the West-Ark Church of Christ.

Motherly Love
Contact: Coleen Shirley (474-5256)
Motherly Love is an attempt to fulfill the admonition of Paul in Titus 2:4-5 that the “older women” teach the “younger women.” In today’s society this responsibility has become a challenge for most Christian women. The Motherly Love ministry consists of a meal hosted and served by the older women and includes a devotional and prayer time conducted by the younger women. Young women are encouraged to invite their non-Christian friends and also suggest subjects for the lesson. Older women can help by offering their home for the meal, serving, providing food, teaching a lesson, or offering to babysit.

Overcomers’ Outreach
Contact: Terry Robertson (629-4079)
Overcomers is a Christ-Centered, 12-Step Support Group.
Meetings on Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m. in the Annex.
Sunday Bible Class at 9:30 a.m.
The class topic is “Christianity and Recovery.” The class is beneficial to ~anyone~ interested in reducing vulnerability to sin through improving the quality of spiritual life. We’ll also cover the New Testament origins of the 12-step method begun in the late 1930’s by AA. We carry the message of Christ’s delivering power to individuals and families, both within and without the church, who still suffer, and we encourage attendance at other 12-step recovery programs.

JOY Bunch
Contacts: Winston & Danna Turpin (646-6430)
Jim & Diane Arnold (452-5447)
Charles & Carolyn Hankins (646-0441)
"Just Older Youth" bunch has a monthly gathering of adults each third Saturday to share food and fellowship. We have special occasion parties with guest speakers and entertainment some months. You don't have to be 60 or older to join us -- we welcome members and visitors from all age groups!

WINGS (Women In God's Service)
Contacts: Deborah Wilson (649-0700)
Shelly Robbins (479-996-2109)
WINGS is a ministry in which the primary purpose/mission is to encourage one another and our community through Bible study, application in daily living, and in loving service to others as we give God the glory. During the school year (usually September through April), this Tuesday morning (9:30 - 11:00 a.m.) weekly class is a great opportunity for fellowship, study, service and evangelism. Quality childcare will be provided from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. for mothers regularly participating in the Bible study.

Wednesday Night WINGS (Women In God's Service)
Contact: Meg Canfield (452-7682)
Wednesday Night WINGS is provided as an alternative for working women who cannot participate in Tuesday WINGS. During the school year (usually September through April), this weekly class (7:00 p.m., Wednesdays) is a great opportunity for fellowship, study, service, and evangelism.

  How can children grow and serve?  

Children's Bible Classes
Contact: Kerry Jenkins, Deacon for Elementary (478-6486)

Children's Worship
Contact: Ron Orick (649-0429)
Greg & Nancy Dockery (648-8060)
Children's Worship is offered during the Sunday morning sermon for ages 2-3, 4-5 and 6-8. During this 30 minute session children work on biblically related crafts, watch videos, and sing songs.

Kids For Christ (KFC)
Contacts: Gary & Rochelle Brown (646-4105)
While our adults worship at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday nights, our children worship upstairs. Our songs, stories, and structured activities are centered on God, His Word, His will, and our service to God and others. Children are encouraged to bring food for our pantry, memorize verses, and read daily from the Bible. Ages 2-5 meet in room 212, and grades 1-6 meet in room 210.

Leadership Training for Christ (LTC)
Contact: Clark Risley (649-9889)
Leadership Training for Christ will hold its annual convention in Rogers, AR, during Easter weekend, 2008. LTC stimulates and encourages spiritual, mental, and social growth among young men and women in grades three through twelve by developing skills in leadership, Bible knowledge, and Christian servanthood in a variety of individual and group events. Not only are young people excited to become a part of this ministry, but adults want to participate as well. They become the teachers, coaches, sponsors, facilitators, and encouragers in this total church effort.

Contact: Nancy James (883-5045)
The Nursery is staffed to care for your child (newborn through 2 years old). Bible classes are taught every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. The Nursery is staffed during the Sunday morning and evening worship assemblies.

Vacation Bible School
Contacts: Carolyn Harrell (479-646-3325)
Dena Jenkins (478-6486)
VBS is a 4-day summer event in which children (and the adults involved) are transported into the world of Bible times through all senses. Each child is a part of a family of different aged children which together experience what daily life was like during that time. These experiences include special prayers and rituals in the family tent and learning different trades and sampling products while visiting the marketplace. All of these experiences culminate with the live dramas which truly bring the lessons from the Bible alive! Because of the many, many aspects of our VBS, there is truly a place for everyone who would like to be involved! Please come join the experience today!

  How can teens grow and serve?  

Youth Ministry
Contacts: Rick Odell (452-1240)
Jackie Sofio (452-1240)
Youth ministry seeks to build an environment and a state of mind that encourages teens to develop a closer relationship with Christ.

Crosswalk is a September Youth Rally co-sponsored by West-Ark. It encourages teens to be leaders and evangelists during the school year. West-Ark hosted this rally from 1997-2001. The rally now takes place in Rogers, AR at the Southside Church of Christ. Approximately 500 teens and adults from a four-state area attend.

Fellowship Dinners
To show their appreciation for and to strengthen the bond between older members and teens, the youth group prepares and serves a dinner to our widows, widowers, and JOY Bunch group each fall.

"Get a Life" Winter Retreat
This February retreat involves 6-8 other youth groups from Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. It is designed to promote closer relationships with Christ and area Christians.

Graduation Services
A special worship assembly each year honors the year's Senior Class. They and their families are recognized before the congregation.

Kids for Christ (KFC)
(see similar listing under "How can children grow and serve?")

Leadership Training for Christ (LTC)
(see similar listing under "How can children grow and serve?")

Mission Trip to Guyana, South America
A one-week mission to Guyana, South America, every June. Teens lead one-on-one personal Bible studies, teach songs, conduct VBS, etc. (For more information see "How does West-Ark Touch the World?" Short-Term Foreign Medical Mission.)

Summer Camps
Our teens participate in many different Bible camps: Caudle, Green Valley, Tahkodah, Wyldewood, etc.

Summer Trip
A recreational trip to encourage our young people and to promote friendships that will last a lifetime. We go to ball games, Six Flags, etc. Parents and families are always welcomed.

Vacation Bible School
West-Ark teens play a major role in VBS. They lead songs, teach lessons, perform skits, and serve as classroom guides. We are currently focusing on the life of Christ and trying to teach our young people to be more like him.

West-Ark Teen Retreat
An annual retreat for West-Ark teens only. It is for their growth and unity as a group. It always takes place at the end of each summer break, usually in September or October.

Work Camp
Our teens usually participate in at least one work camp each summer. We spend a week painting houses, cleaning, mowing, etc. for elderly/widowed people that are unable to do it for themselves. We have hosted this camp in Fort Smith and have traveled to Northwest Arkansas to participate with other churches.

Weekly Youth Activities

Sunday Night Teen Worship (7th-12th Grades)
We have "Teen Worship" that takes place each Sunday night. We meet upstairs in the Family Life Center from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. We usually have about 60 young people at this service. It has been great for our teens.

Sunday Morning and Wednesday Night Bible Classes for 7th-12th Grades
We meet for Junior and Senior High Bible classes in the youth rooms in the FLC on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Classes vary from textual/doctrinal classes on Sunday mornings to day-to-day discipling classes on Wednesday nights.

Occasional Youth Activities

Sunday Night Live Series
8 local churches rotate hosting a monthly service for teens. It promotes friendships among young Christians.

Teen-Led Services
The teens lead devotionals for local nursing homes or rehabilitation hospitals 2 or 3 times each year. Our young men also participate in continued leadership roles.

Lock-Ins, Scavenger Hunts, Holiday Parties, Camping Trips, Ski Trips, etc.
These activities are times of fun and fellowship for teens and their friends and families that promote friendship and encouragement for one another.

  How can college students grow and serve?  

Lions for Christ (LFC)
Contacts: Shane Hughes (452-1240)
Colleen Frost (452-1240)
Campus Center (452-0359)
Are you a college student who is looking for a group of friends to grow closer to God with? Then the Lions for Christ Campus Ministry is the group you are looking for. Our purpose is to encourage one another to be more like Christ in all we do. We accomplish this by our weekly devotional times together, or by studying God's word in our Bible classes, or by simply hanging out together in our student center. We encourage you to stop in sometime and get to know us, we would love the opportunity to show the love of Christ to you in any way we can.

  How can I serve others?  

Contacts: Lyndell Foster (783-0135)
Don Neal (646-2418)
This ministry investigates requests for assistance from both members and non-members, determines needs, and helps in appropriate ways.

Car Clinic
Contacts: Jack Lowry (474-8851)
Marvin Hughes (479--674-5814)
The first Saturday of each month from 8 - 11 a.m., widows and those 60+ may bring their vehicles to the Annex parking lot for servicing, etc.

Children's Homes
Contact: Ron Orick (649-0429)
Weekly donations from classes supplement contributions to Southern Christian Home in Morrilton, AR and Children's Home in Paragould, AR. Special needs and activities are reported to the church.

Campus Ministry (Lions for Christ)
Contacts: Shane Hughes (452-1240)
Colleen Frost (452-1240)
The Lions for Christ (LFC) Campus Ministry is a cooperative ministry, with many other area congregations, devoted to sharing the Good News of Christ with our U of A Fort Smith students. Our purpose is to encourage one another to be more like Christ in all aspects of our lives. We have many opportunities for you to share in service with us as we teach others about Christ. If you would like more information on how to get involved, please give us a call.

Contact Position Open
Do you want to help visitors from our local community make a connection with Jesus? Do you want to help new members in our fellowship feel a part of who we are and what we do? Do you feel the need to connect in service to the body that meets at West-Ark? If you want to make a difference, then you are needed to serve as a part of our “Connections Ministry.” We need people to visit with those from our community that worship with us. You will be their link to our services, activities, programs and fellowship … our best foot forward. People from all ages and backgrounds are needed. You might be the difference for someone looking to connect with Jesus.

Contacts: Bob Fisher (452-2852)
Jim Pratt (782-6655)
Jim Selig (452-7024)
Kevin Vaught (646-2945)
A non-profit warehousing and sorting operation that creates stockpiles of staple foods, household and other supplies, which can be trucked regionally in times of disaster. Medical and other supplies are acquired and shipped to medical mission efforts throughout the world, including El Salvador, Guyana, Nicaragua, Nigeria, and Romania. CURE also provides logistic support for the Church's inner-city and food ministries. Additionally, we are accumulating school supplies though various contacts for use in the Tutoring Program and to be made available to other programs as the need arises.

Food for the Bereaved
Contacts: Paula May (646-2197)
Dale Mason (782-9055)
The purpose of our ministry is to serve a meal to the bereaved, usually on the day of the funeral. After the number of family members to be served is determined and a location is given, a menu is planned. Members of the congregation who have indicated a willingness to help are called and asked to prepare a dish for the dinner. The response to these requests is always outstanding.

Grief Share
Contacts: Myra Flippo-Puckett (479-928-4347)
Yolanda Gunn (479-632-4384)
Someone you know is hurting. Tell them about Grief Share, a support group for people grieving the death of someone close. You can be an important part of their healing by making them aware of our Grief Share Group (available upon request).

Inner City Ministry

Jail Ministry
Contacts: Dan and Janet Cathey (452-6803)
Rochelle Brown (646-4105)
Men and women minister to the spiritual needs of those confined in prison by teaching them the gospel of Jesus and bringing them into the proper relationship with God and their fellow man.

Meals for New Moms
Contact: Shelley McGehee (918-436-7770)
After mom and the new baby are home, meals are prepared and delivered to the family. You will be called and asked to prepare either a meat & bread or veggie & dessert.

Prayer Pagers
Contacts: Rachelle Pratt
Pager deliveries are made by: Rachelle Pratt
Everyone can support this ministry! Pagers are given to church members during times of extreme illness, surgery, or family crises. When you remember them in prayer, you may pass on the encouragement by dialing their pager number (which vibrates).

Mondays, "Come & go" from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Quilting Room
Contacts: Fran Wade (709-9930)
Betty Hatcher (452-8554)
Ladies make quilts for West-Ark brides, storm victims, battered women, burned-out families, and those in need. In addition to quilts, they also make wheelchair "pockets" and lap robes for local nursing homes.

Contact: (position unfilled)
There are a number of members who need a ride to church. Some ride only on Sunday morning, and others only need to be picked up at night. Presently, we have around 12 riders on Sunday morning and 8 Sunday and Wednesday nights. Our riding members tell us that they very much appreciate that the church provides this ministry. Driving the route takes a little more than one hour each way. Additional drivers are needed.

Visitation and Involvement
Contact Position Open

Contact: Coleen Shirley (474-5256)
Do you have experience with coordinating weddings? Are you good at handling the details of a large social event? Can you direct and communicate with people in a gracious way? If so, please consider being a wedding coordinator for West-Ark brides.

Wedding Equipment
Contact: Coleen Shirley (474-5256)
West-Ark's has a collection of wedding equipment, flowers, greenery, and tulle for West-Ark brides to use. If you would like to inventory and keep track of these things, please call the church office (452-1240).

Contacts: Jack and Janice Lowry (474-8851)
Marvin and Bobbie Hughes (1-479-674-5814)
Mike and Mary Burkett (646-6079)
This ministry addresses the spiritual and physical needs of our widows. It creates opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth. They try to meet the first Saturday of every month.

  How does West-Ark touch the world?  

Bible Correspondence and Tracts
Contacts: Hazel Richards (783-6596)
Using World Bible School material via e-mail and "snail" mail, Bible lessons are distributed to new and current students.

Expand evangelism efforts in the Sidomo region of Ethiopia by providing funding for deaf school and preachers' training schools, establishing English language school in effort to evangelize unreached urban center, and encouraging government relations by providing medical supplies.

Provide some assistance to evangelistic activities of John Paul and Ruby Lee Hundley in encouraging congregations in France.

West-Ark supports the missionary activities of
Operation Guyana, directed by Steve and Colleen DeLoach. This organization provides free evangelistic medical clinics, formal Bible school training, vacation Bible schools, church maturing projects, building projects, and a Christian youth camp in Guyana, South America.

Laotian Ministry
Contacts: Kelvin Kleman (783-7839)
Tom Porter (651-5345)
This ministry assists the Lao Church of Christ in its outreach to the Fort Smith Laotian community.

Missions Committee
Contact: Jerry Canfield (452-7682)
This ministry coordinates the participation of this congregation's mission efforts around the world.

Provide radio program and Christian leadership training in Amambra State; provide evangelistic support and radio program in Kogi State; and complete evangelistic efforts in support of congregational development in Mbaise, Imo State; some assistance to congregations in Benue State, Nigeria, which congregations were initiated and nurtured by West-Ark's Benue State Program from 1987-1996.

Personal Evangelism
Contacts: Michael Cole (452-4478)
Roy Dunavin (782-6749)
The primary focus of the Lord's church is saving souls. We encourage everyone at West-Ark to informally share the Gospel with others. More formal efforts at West-Ark include World Bible School lessons sent by traditional mailings and e-mail, and short-term, overseas evangelistic mission efforts. Jule Miller video tapes are available. If you would like a one-on-one Bible study, or if you have a friend who would like to study, feel free to contact Roy Dunavin.

Short-Term Foreign Medical Missions
Contact: Michael Cole (452-4478)
West-Ark has sent at least one medical mission team overseas each year since 1990. Team members are given extensive evangelistic and cultural training. Over 160 West-Ark members have participated in evangelistic short-term, medical mission projects. In Guyana, South America, our teams have provided health care for 25,272 patients. Our Bible studies in Guyana have resulted in 769 baptisms.

Southeast Asia

  • Continue to evangelize the country of Laos by providing seminars for Lao Christians, radio programs into Laos, and support to NE Thai congregations which provide encouragement and fellowship to Lao Christians.
  • Thomas Kweekul continues evangelistic efforts by spending 6 months per year in NE Thailand encouraging the Lao, working with congregational development, and translating materials for Laos.
  • Support evangelistic opportunities in Vietnam.


    Iglesia de Cristo (local Hispanic outreach)
    Contact: Oscar Nolasco (783-8975; 561-0263)
    Iglesia de Cristo began in late summer 2002 as an outreach to our local Spanish-speaking community. Oscar Nolasco works as full time minister and also holds individual Bible studies weekly. Iglesia de Cristo meets at 3424 Johnson Street, averages 55-60 in attendance, and is growing daily!

    Lao Church of Christ (local outreach)
    Contact Position Open
    The Lao congregation began in 1981-82 with 2 or 3 families and the teaching and influence of "grandpa" Tom Porter. Today there are over 21 families meeting together for worship and Bible study each Sunday.

      Who do I contact about ... ?  

    Advertising/Communications Ministry
    Contact: Ralph Smith (484-7330 work; 452-7912 home)
    Our goal is to project a positive image of Christ and the West-Ark Family in the community.

    Assisting in worship

      Attendance Count
      Contacts: Charlie Dye (452-1209)
      Richard Broyles (782-4355)
      Steve Williams (484-5641)
      John Glidewell (484-8181)
      Eddie Harrell (479-996-8877)
      Attendance is counted for all assemblies, posted on the bulletin board and recorded in the permanent records.

      Baptistry Maintenance
      Contact for baptistry and dressing rooms: Nancy James (883-5045)
      Baptismal robes, towels, dressing rooms, and water are kept in a state of readiness.

      Communion Services
      Contacts: Rick Carson (479-997-8932)
      This ministry coordinates the selection of men to serve communion and provides supplies and equipment for the communion service.

      Contribution Count
      Contacts: Charlie Dye (452-1209)
      Dennis Anderson (452-5342)
      This ministry collects, counts, records, and deposits the Sunday morning and evening contributions.

      Contacts: Lloyd & Betty Summers (452-9385)
      West-Ark greeters welcome everyone, visitors and members, to classes and worship.

      Postcard Ministry
      Contacts: Hazel Richards, (783-6595)
      Out-of-town visitors are sent a postcard with a personal message acknowledging their visit.

      Prayer Leaders
      Contact: Chris Benjamin (452-1240)
      This ministry provides members with the opportunity to lead prayer in assemblies.

      Song Leaders
      Contact: Chris Benjamin (452-1240)
      This ministry coordinates song services for Sunday and Wednesday services. Song leaders are selected and then notified by e-mail or letter of the date(s) they are scheduled to lead.

      Contact: Rick Carson (479-997-8932)
      Two men are asked to serve each month. They are stationed outside the auditorium and help latecomers and visitors find seating.

      Welcome Center
      Contacts: Scott & Staci James (484-7620)
      The West-Ark Welcome Center volunteers welcome visitors, presenting them with greeting cards and small loaves of bread. They also direct them to Bible classes, the auditorium, restrooms, etc. A notebook, located in the Visitors Center, provides information about Bible classes and maps of both the first and second floors of our building.

    Audio-Visual Resources

      Computer Projection & Power Point
      Contacts: Darrell Moses (452-8453)
      Brad Walker (479-667-5686)
      Hank Watlington (452-9381)
      This ministry is responsible for running the projector during assemblies. Most material is prepared by others. PowerPoint presentations for songs, announcements, and sermons are prepared by the office staff while videos of mission trips are prepared by members of those teams. We make minor format changes and last minute additions. If you know the basics of PowerPoint, you can serve in this area.

      Sound System
      Contacts: Darrell Moses (452-8453)
      Eddie Harrell (479-996-8877)
      Richard Adams (452-1424)
      Each week, the sound system is operated for classes and worship assemblies. Sermons and Bible classes totaling 4 hours per week are recorded on tape. We also use the public address, recorder, and tape player for weddings, funerals, special congregational events, and for community events.

    Building and Grounds
    Contacts: Stan Burkhart (474-2933)
    Bruce Davenport (484-7047)
    Earl Flood (452-7585)
    Gene Monk (474-2822)
    The facilities of the West-Ark Church are maintained by a combination of volunteer and professional services.

    Computer Systems
    Contact: Blake Frost (479-996-6096)
    The office computer systems are managed and maintained. Current data necessary to support the information needs of the church is provided. You can help in this area if you have:
    (1) computer repair skills,
    (2) can assist with virus protection and windows updates,
    (3) expertise in Microsoft Office applications, or
    (4) computer networks.

    Financial Matters

      Business Management Team (BMT)
      Contacts: Barry Neal (452-1833); Dennis Anderson (452-5342); Dave Cogswell (452-8580); Bob Fisher (452-2852); Nancy Smith (649-9635); Mitch Harper (783-7788); David Berger (785-1921); and Jerry Canfield (452-7682).
      The BMT plans, implements, maintains, and monitors West-Ark's fiscal policy and provides oversight of the business and administrative affairs of the church. Financial results and other pertinent administrative information are reported monthly to the Elders and the congregation.

      Campus Ministry Business Team (CMBT)
      Contacts: Ron Orick (788-7019 work, 649-0429 home)
      Dennis Anderson (452-5342 home)
      The CMT provides oversight of the business and financial affairs of the Campus Ministry. Financial reports are reported monthly to the Elders and Campus Ministry Advisory Committee.

    Staying Informed

      Family Meetings
      Contact: Elders
      Four times a year (on 5th Sunday evenings), the congregation assembles for a Family Meeting.

      Information Center
      Contact: Dwonne Cogswell (452-8580)
      West-Ark's Information Center (new in 2003) is located at the rear of the main foyer. The bulletin boards are "the place" to post sign-up sheets church activities, and events.

      West-Ark Website
      Contact: Michael Cole (452-4478)
      Available 24 hours per day, our website has about 2,500 visitors per day from people in over 150 countries. Among our most popular features are the sermons of David and Chris which are being read by about 150 people per day. Through our website we receive requests from around the world for Bible correspondence lessons which are sent out by West-Ark "study helpers."

    Tapes or CD's
    Contact: Bill Moss (484-7731)
    We respond to requests for copies of sermons or the auditorium Bible class and average making 25 tapes per week. Tape Request forms are available outside the Library. The "master" tapes are cataloged and stored for up to 2 years. A co-worker is needed in this ministry.

    Using the Family Life Center
    Reservation contacts: Janice Lowry or Lynn Dickey (452-1240)
    Deacon contacts: Bill Kamp (452-4526); David Berger (785-1921)
    The Family Life Center (FLC) is available to members for receptions, birthdays, fellowships, special events, and games (including basketball and volleyball). We have a fully stocked commercial kitchen on site as well as a walking track on the upper level. Contact the church office for reservations.