1. As her people fasted, how did Esther make herself ready to enter the king's presence? (5:1)

  2. What was the king's reaction when he saw Esther? (5:2)

  3. Besides extending his scepter to Esther, what did the king say that showed that she had favor with him? (5:3)

  4. What was the request Queen Esther made of the king? (5:4)

  5. The king was obviously eager to do as Esther requested. What question and offer did he repeat to her? (5:6)

  6.   (Thought question) What old adage is brought to mind by reading verse 6?

  7. How did Esther put off telling the king what she REALLY wanted? (5:7-8)

    1. Describe Haman's state of mind after attending Esther's first banquet with the king. (5:9)

    2. What soured his disposition? (5:9)

    3.   When your expectations are not met, how do you react? How can you prepare to have godly attitudes, even when things do not go your way?

    1. List several things Haman bragged about to his wife and friends. (5:10-12)

    2. What was the one thorn in his side? (5:13)

    3.   (Thought question) Have you ever known bitterness and hatred to so invade someone's life that they had a problem seeing any joy?

    1. How did Haman's wife and friends advise him? (5:14)

    2. Based on their counsel, what did Haman do?

    1. What did King Xerxes do when he had insomnia? (6:1)

    2.   (Thought question) What does this show about his character?

    1. Of what surprising event was the king reminded? (6:2)

    2. How long had it been since this was recorded? (2:16 & 3:7)

    3. What question did the king ask his servants? (6:3)

    4. What was their answer?

    1. From whom did the king then seek advice? (6:6)

    2. Why was Haman in the court? (6:4-5)

  8. Thinking that all these honors would be given to himself, what did Haman suggest the king do? (6:7-9)

  9. Imagine the terrible shock when Haman learned that the king not only wished to honor Mordecai, but that he also expected Haman to carry it out! Did he obey the king?

  10. Compare the Haman of 5:10-12 with the one of 6:12.

  11. After Haman told his wife and friends about this, what was their pathetic, prophetic response? (6:13)

  12.   Consider the counsel Esther had received from Mordecai (4:13 & 14) as contrasted with the counsel Haman received from his wife Zeresh (5:14 and 6:13). Where do you go for counsel? How do you test counsel to discern if it is godly? How do you prepare yourself to give godly counsel?

    1. In verse 14, Haman is quickly called to go to the second feast. Do you think he had to "put on a happy face?"

    2.   Have you ever had to "put on a happy face?" How difficult is this to do?

    3. Instead of just changing our façade, what should we do? (Ephesians 4:31)


Verse to ponder: Esther 5:1

When do you enter the presence of the KING?

What special preparation do you make to enter the presence of the King of Kings?

What kinds of things would keep you from finding favor with the KING?

Challenge: This week do something that really takes courage for you. (This may not necessarily be a challenge to someone else.) Be sure to ask God for His help before doing it!

Women IN God's Service

Esther - lesson 4
Ladies Bible Class Lesson, 30 Sep 2003
West-Ark Church of Christ, Fort Smith, Arkansas
Copyright © 2003, 2004, West-Ark Church of Christ

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