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Lesson 1

TEXT: Genesis 1 & 2

In Genesis there is no elaborate argument in proof of God's existence. He merely reveals Himself by His works (Psalm 19:1 & 145:10).


    1. Share an outstanding thought that has stayed with you for months following a recent Bible lesson.

    2. Discuss the various theories that you have heard concerning how human life began on earth. Who are their proponents and opponents?


    “In the beginning ... God!" No matter where one goes in life, what one sees, what one does, eventually life comes full circle to the beginning --- and in the beginning was God -- no other force.

    1. What basic truth is established in the phrase, "In the beginning"?

    2. From the following, discuss what is said in the Bible about God as the Creator:
      Psalm 8 –

      Psalm 19:1 –

      Psalm 139:13-15 –

      Job 38:4-7 –

      Isaiah 45:18 –

      1. Summarize the events of each day of Creation: On each day "God said, Let … ___________"
        Day 1 –

        Day 2 –

        Day 3 –

        Day 4 –

        Day 5 –

        Day 6 –

      2. What is the significance of the sequence of creation events?

    3. If God created light on the first day, how can you explain to children that the sun, moon and stars were created on the fourth day?

    4. What was unique about the seventh day?

    5. What message does God's repeated evaluation of creation as "good" convey?

    6. What provisions did God make concerning food and water?

    7. How did the creation of man differ from that of animals?

    8. List at least four things found in 1:26-28 that concern man's creation.

    9. Name and describe the place God gave man in which to live. Research the modern-day country where it is.

      1. What restriction was placed on Adam in the garden?

      2. What was to be the consequence of disobedience?

      1. What condition was found not to be good for man in the garden?

      2. What was God's solution?

    10. How did Adam first show dominion over the creatures?

    11. From Genesis 2:18-23, how does Eve's creation make her uniquely suited to be Adam's partner?

    12. Why were Adam and Eve unashamed of their nakedness?


    1. What does John 1:1-5 add to the creation account? (See Genesis 1:26.)

    2. What command to creatures from Genesis 1:22 is repeated in John 15:16, only in a more spiritual sense?

    3. What basic principles relative to the establishment of the home are set forth in Chapters 1 and 2? (See Matthew 19:6, Mark 10:2-9, and Ephesians 5:21-31.)

    4. For some unnamed amount of time Adam and Eve enjoyed a right relationship with God and were allowed to eat from the Tree of Life. From Revelation 2:7 and 22:2,14, where is that Tree now and who else shall be allowed to eat from the Tree?


    1. How does trusting the biblical account of Creation help guide some of your life's decisions?

    2. Discuss an instance when you took a verbal stand of faith about the biblical account of Creation.

    3. God created woman as a suitable helper for her husband. List some of society's roadblocks to this idea. What are some ways we can encourage each other to overcome these roadblocks to reach our potential in fulfilling this purpose?

  5. SEARCHING OUR LIVES (Choose one of the following to complete and discuss for next week.)

    1. Most of us have our favorite local vista. Share time with a friend there, or make time to discover a new one to enjoy.

    2. Have a family devotional outside counting God's stars! Be sure to talk about God's wondrous creation.

    3. Share with a friend or family member what you believe about biblical creation.

    4. Share something you create to bring blessings to someone else.

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