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Lesson 2

TEXT: Genesis 3 & 4


    1. Discuss what you chose to do from last week's "Searching Our Lives" suggestions.

    2. Recall what you can about Adam and Eve's interaction with God from chapters 1 and 2.


    Chapter 3:

    1. In verse 1, whom did the serpent address, and what did he say?

    2. Whom was he misquoting?

    3. What was Eve's response to Satan's question?

    4. From verse 4, write Satan's lie. Be aware that this is the LInE he has used since the fall of man to the present age.

    5. Eve succumbed to the lie of Satan and ate of the forbidden fruit. Adam also ate of the fruit. From verses 7-10, describe how the relationship between God and His children dramatically changed because of their disobedience and sin.

    6. What was Adam's "excuse" to God?

    7. In verse 13, what was Eve's excuse to God? (Notice that Adam was NOT deceived.)

    8. Describe God's curse on the serpent and on the earth.

    9. Notice mankind was not cursed, but punished and treated as accessories. In verses 16-17, describe their punishments.

    10. In verses 22-24, we see Adam and Eve driven from their garden home. Looking at these verses, what reasoning do you see for this exile?

    Chapter 4:

    1. From verses 1 and 2, name the children of Adam and Eve.

    2. What were their occupations?

      1. From verses 3 and 4, describe the offerings made to the Lord by Cain and by Abel.

      2. How did the Lord regard these offerings?

    3. What does God warn Cain of in verse 7?

    4. Describe the first murder.

    5. From verses 11-14, describe the curse God pronounces on Cain for this crime and Cain's response to the curse.

    6. What special provision did God make for Cain?

    7. Cain left the ___________________ of the Lord. He settled in the land of _______________, east of Eden.

    8. What was the name of Cain's son, and what was the name of the city he established?

      1. From verses 18-22, who was the first polygamist?

      2. Who were his wives and children, and what were their occupations?

    9. Notice that chapter 4 closes on a happy note. Adam and Eve are blessed with another son. His name is ________________. "Then men began to _________ upon the _______________ of the _______________."


    1. Read 1 John 2:16. What three things are described in that verse that you see the tempter use to appeal to Eve? Trace also these same appeals as they were made to Jesus, the last Adam, in the wilderness temptation in Matthew 4:1-17. Discuss with your group how Satan is ever making this three-fold appeal to mankind, and using Jesus as your model, demonstrate how He thwarted Satan's appeals.

    2. Who clothed Adam and Eve of their nakedness in Genesis 3:21? Of what materials were these garments made? The Old Testament word for atonement means "a covering." Discuss how Jesus' blood is the atonement for our sins by referring to Ephesians 1:7-8; Hebrews 9:22, 27-28; 1 Peter 1:18-19; and Galatians 3:26-27. There are many things to take note of here. First of all notice that God did not provide them with proper covering until after they confessed their guilt to Him. Second, a warning: when man tries to provide his own covering for sin, it is never adequate! Lastly, the fig leaves were not sufficient. Something innocent had to die in order to cover the guilt and shame of their nakedness -- hence, our need for a Savior to cover our guilt and shame.

    3. Read Romans 5:12-21 and 1 Corinthians 15:20-22. Make your own graph, chart, or visual that compares and contrasts Jesus, the second Adam, with the first Adam.

    4. Both Cain and Abel made offerings to the Lord; however, Cain's offering was not based upon the appropriate instruction as to the true way of approaching God. Read Hebrews 11:4 and 1 John 3:10-12, and list the ways that Cain is mentioned as lacking in these verses.


    1. Satan was able to deceive Eve by telling the lie "You surely shall not die!" However, God clearly stated the opposite to His children, as He does today. "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). When Satan speaks, he is speaking his native language of lies. (See John 8:44.) Search your heart and pray for God to uncover the lies that Satan has told you. Do you believe this murderer, or will you heed the voice of Jesus as He calls your name? (John 10:3)

    2. Notice that Adam and Eve had to confess their actions to God in order to receive atonement or covering. He provided for their nakedness. Read 1 John 1:9. Stop now and confess to the Father any silent or unnamed sin that has gone unconfessed. God knew Adam and Eve were naked; they were the ones who didn't realize it. He already knows and desires to cover your nakedness.

    3. Adam and Eve's man-made coverings were weak and inadequate. Their attempts to cover their shame were not successful. Only God could take care of that need. With what type of inadequate fig leaves do you attempt to cover yourself? God wants to care for you. Allow Him to strip the flimsy fig-leaf coverings from you and clothe you with the blood of His Son. If you are clothed in the blood of Jesus, you are fully dressed. Quit trying to add man-made accessories to this beautiful garment.

  5. SEARCHING OUR LIVES (Choose one of the following to complete and discuss for next week.)

    1. Write a love letter, song, or poem to God. Thank Him for pursuing you as He did Adam and Eve in the garden. Thank Him for His atoning blood that covers your sin. Like Abel, offer Him an acceptable sacrifice, "the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name" (Hebrews 13:15).

    2. Read Hebrews 13:16 and make a list of 10 tangible sacrifices that you can make this week that will please God. Now do them!!!!

    3. Satan's plan is to divide and conquer. He got to Adam by first deceiving Eve. Satan corrupted the first marriage, and he intends to do the same to yours. Commit to spending 20 minutes a day this week in prayer for your spouse, your marriage, and your family. "Let no advantage be taken of us by Satan. We are not ignorant of his schemes" (2 Corinthians 2:11). Especially include the following in your prayers: pursuing peace—Hebrews 12:14, forgiving where forgiveness is needed--Ephesians 4:32 and Colossians 3:13, pulling up any root of bitterness—Hebrews 12:15, and above all, putting on love, which is "the perfect bond of unity"—Colossians 3:14.

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