- Review - How were you able to fulfill one of the challenges from last week's lesson?
- Describe the pace of your life. How precious is rest to you?
- Identify the 3 kinds of rest discussed in Hebrews 4.
- Reviewing last week's lesson, describe those whom God said would never enter His rest.
How does this apply today?
- What are the terms for God's Word in 4:1-2?
What needs to happen for God's Word to do its work?
- The Hebrew writer continually compares Christian rest with that rest given to the people
who came out of Egypt. From Joshua 21:43 - 22:6, what exhortation did Joshua give
those entering the promised rest?
- From Hebrews 4:1-11, what similar exhortation are we given today?
- From Jesus' teachings, what kind of rest does He promise? See Matthew 11:28-30 and
John 14:1-4.
- Discuss how God's rest encompasses even this life, giving us a little taste of the more
complete "rest" that is to come (e.g. verse 16 speaks of mercy and grace).
- Verse 11 says, "therefore let us diligently (ASV) make every effort (NIV) strive (RSV) to
enter that rest." Just how serious does the author consider the matter?
- Discuss the Hebrew 4:12 descriptions of the Word of God.
Sharper than a 2-edged sword
Judges, Discerning
- Which one(s) of the above most describes the Word of God in your life at this time?