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Lesson Ten
Eli, I Samuel 1-4


  1. Report of how you worked on an activity from Searching our Lives from last week's lesson.

  2. What is the last verse in the book of Judges?

Keep this verse in mind during the study of the last two Judges found in the book of I Samuel.


The early life of Samuel is intertwined in the life of Eli.

Samuel's Parents – I Samuel 1:1-8

  1. Verses 1 and 2 tell about a man named Elkanah.
    1. Where did he live?

    2. Who was his father?

    3. Who were his wives?

  2. Elkanah went to Shiloh to worship.
    1. Who were the priests at that time?

    2. How were the portions of his sacrifice divided?

  3. What blessing and what curse did Hannah have?

  4. Hannah was weeping and not eating.
    1. Why?

    2. Did her husband understand?

Eli Blesses Hannah – I Samuel 1:9-18

  1. Who was Eli and where was he sitting?

  2. Hannah prayed for a son. What promise did she make to God?

  3. What did Eli think when he saw Hannah?

  4. After Eli heard Hannah's explanation what comforting words did he say to her?

  5. What was Hannah's reply to Eli?

Samuel's Birth and Dedication – I Samuel 1:19-2:11 and 2:18-21, 26

  1. What happened when Hannah returned home?

  2. What did she name her son?

  3. Why did Hannah not go with the family to Shiloh the next year?
    Did her husband agree with her decision?

  4. When did she say she would go?

  5. What did Hannah take besides Samuel when she brought him to Shiloh?

  6. What did Samuel wear while doing his work at the temple? (2:18)

  7. What did his mother bring him each year?

  8. Because Hannah gave her first to the Lord, how was she blessed?

  9. What is said of Samuel in 2:26 that is also said of Jesus in Luke 2:52?

Eli's Family – I Samuel 2:12-17, 22-36

  1. List some of the sins of Eli's sons mentioned in chapter 2.

  2. Did Eli try to talk to his sons?
    What was the result? (v. 24-25)

  3. What was the prophecy against Eli's sons, Hophni and Phinehas? (v. 34)

The Lord Called Samuel – I Samuel 3

  1. How many times did Samuel hear his name called?

  2. What hint is given in verse 1 as to why Samuel did not know it was God calling?

  3. What did God tell Samuel?

  4. Why was Samuel afraid to tell Eli the message from God?

    1. What was Eli's physical condition at this time? (v. 2)

    2. Had Eli already heard this message?

  5. What was Eli's response to the message?

The Battle – I Samuel 4

  1. Chapter four begins with the Israelites being defeated by the Philistines. What did the Israelites elders decide they should take with them into battle?

  2. The Philistines seemed to have a better memory than the Israelites. Why did they fear the ark of the covenant?

  3. What happened to the ark?
    To Eli's sons?

  4. Why was Eli sitting on the side of the road?

  5. What message was brought to Eli in 4:17?

  6. Eli died the same day as his sons.
    1. What part of the message caused him to fall?

    2. How old was he?

    3. What is said about his size?

    4. How long had he led (or judged) Israel?

  7. What caused Eli's daughter-in-law to go into early labor?

  8. What did she name her son?

Samuel will be continued in next week's lesson…


  1. Hannah was so upset she couldn't eat. She cried and she prayed.
    1. How do you react to being upset?

    2. Do you ever feel others around you don't understand?

  2. How hard do you think it was for Hannah to give her son back? What can we learn from her prayer in 2:1-10? How can it help us prepare for the "empty nest" (or our children starting day care, school, or going off to college)?

  3. One of the greatest discouragements to doing mission work is the reaction of mothers who don't want their children leaving. Discuss.

  4. Samuel had a difficult time reporting the bad news to Eli. Have you ever had to be the bearer of bad news? How difficult was it?

  5. What do you think of the fact that the ark was taken seems to be more of a shock to Eli and his daughter-in-law than the death of their son/husband?

  6. What is the role of parents in "restraining" their children? (See 3:13)

SEARCHING OUR LIVES: (choose one to discuss next week)

  1. Read I Samuel 2:2 (Hannah), I Samuel 3:10 (Samuel), I Samuel 3:18 (Eli), and I Samuel 4:7 (the Philistines) then write your own statement about how you feel about God.

  2. Share with the class ways that you have "listened" to the Lord this week.

  3. Look at the contrasts between Samuel and the sons of Eli. Make a list of ways we can encourage our own children as well as other people's children to remember God and follow His ways.

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