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Lesson Eleven
Samuel, I Samuel 7-28


  1. How did you apply last week's lesson as suggested in Searching our Lives?

  2. Read I Samuel 3:21 and 4:1a. Remember when Samuel first knew that God was speaking to him. What did Samuel do with God's messages?

SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURE: Passages from the rest of I Samuel

Samuel's life was long and full of many mighty works for God. In this lesson we can only look at some of the highlights from I Samuel 7-28. You are encouraged to read this entire text.

  1. What did Samuel tell Israel to do in 7:3-4?
    Did they listen?

  2. Briefly tell how Samuel led Israel against the Philistines in 7:5-11.

  3. Samuel was called a judge (7:15-17)
    1. How long did he judge?

    2. What was his circuit?

    3. When did he build an altar?

  4. What problems did Samuel have that Eli had also had? (8:1-4)
    Who were his sons?

  5. Why did the elders ask for a king? (Give more than one reason.)

  6. Samuel felt the people had rejected his leadership, but what did God tell him in 8:7?

  7. What did God tell Samuel to do in 8:21?

  8. Who chose Saul to be the first King of Israel? (9:17)

  9. After Saul became king, Samuel made a farewell speech. He had led Israel from the judges to a king. Read his speech in chapter 12.
    1. Had Samuel been a good leader?

    2. What other judges does he mention?

    3. What did he encourage them to do in verse 24?

    4. What warning did he give in verse 25?

  10. Samuel's work was not over. What bad news did he have to deliver to Saul? (See 13:13-14)

  11. How did Samuel feel about the fall of the first king of Israel? (See 15:34-35)
    How did God feel?

  12. What does the Lord ask Samuel in 16:1?
    What job does he give him?

  13. Who chose the second king of Israel? (16:12)
    Who anointed him?

  14. What lesson did God teach Samuel about choosing a leader? (16:7)

  15. Read chapter 25:1 and tell about Samuel's death.
    1. What was the reaction of Israel?

    2. Where was he buried?

  16. Samuel's work was not finished even at his death. Read I Samuel 28:1-20. What was Samuel's message for Saul from the grave?
    How did that compare to his message while he was alive?


  1. What was a lesson you learned from Samuel?

  2. Read Hebrews 11:32-40. Here these great men of God are commended along with the prophets for all they endured.
    1. Did they receive what was promised in verse 39?

    2. What is our "something better"?

  3. Thinking of all these judges as our "cloud of witnesses", list some of the same admonitions we are given that were given to Israel of old.

    How does your list compare with the list made by your class members?

SEARCHING OUR LIVES: Thought for the weeks ahead…

A crossword puzzle reviewing this study of Judges is included on the next page.

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