Baptism - The Greek word for baptize is baptizo which means to immerse or to dip. It is "an appeal to God for a good conscience-through the resurrection of Jesus Christ" and symbolic of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. By this avenue one is "united with," "clothed with" or "in" Christ. Romans 6:3-7; I Peter 3:18-22; Galatians 3:26-29; Acts 2:38
Belief - To have faith or trust in God. It is NOT simply an intellectual acknowledgment that God exists, which so many today feel is adequate enough to save them from God's wrath. James 2:19 states, You believe that God is one, you do well; the demons also believe and shudder. The belief Paul discusses requires action and sacrifice by one to love, serve and obey the only wise God, the Creator of all. Romans 1:16; Romans 4:3; Romans 10:4; Romans 10:14; Hebrews 11:6
Death - The Greek word for death is thanatos. It carries the concept of separation, NEVER the idea of nonexistence or extermination. Paul discusses three basic types of "deaths" in his letter to the Romans:
- Physical death - the separation of the soul from the body. Romans 5:10; Romans 6:9-10; Romans 7:2-4
- Spiritual death - the separation of man from God because of man's sin. Romans 8:6 Death is experienced in this life, and in the life hereafter. Romans 6:21;23; Revelation 21:8; II Thessalonians 1:7-9
- Death to sin - This means for one to be separated from the power or practice of sin due to one's belief in and obedience to Christ. Romans 6:1-7; Galatians 2:20
Faith - A steadfast trust or commitment conjoined with obedience. Abraham is held up as a prime example of faith that makes one righteous in the book of Romans. Romans 4:3; Romans 10:16; Hebrews 4:6; Hebrews 11:1; Hebrews11:8-10; James 2:14-26
Freedom - Liberty. Though freedom (liberty) is not found in that particular form in Romans, it is a large part of the discussion of the book. Because of God's pardoning grace, the child of God is:
- Free from the wrath of God, Romans 5:9
- Free from law, Romans 6:14
- Free from sin, Romans 6:18
- Free from death, Romans 8:1-3
Gospel - The Good News. It is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the power of God for salvation. Romans 1:16; Romans 6:3-11; Mark 16:15; Galatians 1:6-7; Ephesians 1:13
Grace - A free gift. Unmerited favor. Getting more than deserved. Romans 3:24-25; Romans 16:20; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:7
Justification - Just-as-if-I'd-never-sinned. To vindicate. God declares us guiltless because of Christ's sacrifice in our stead. Romans 4:24; Romans 5:1-2; Romans 5:18; I John 1:7
Law - A legal code demanding observance and punishing violators. Romans 2:12-29
Legalism - A system of strict observance of the law with a view toward justification. James 2:10
Obedience - The act of submission. A willingness to obey. It is of worthy note that Jesus was obedient to God's will. Romans 5:19; Romans 6:17; Romans 16:26; I Samuel 16:22; Philippians 2:5-11; Matthew 26:42
Peace - The Jews often greeted one another with the Hebrew word shalom which means peace. The Biblical definition for "peace" is much different than the world's definition of peace. This is harmony or a right relationship between God and man. Peace is a trait of God. He is characterized by peace and He grants peace to His people. Besides being at peace with God, the Christian should be at peace with all men. Romans 5:1 & 9; Romans 14:17-19
Propitiation - An offering that turns away wrath. It is a satisfying thing-- to completely, totally, and absolutely meet the need to satisfy (also used as atonement or expiation). Jesus is our propitiation that turns away God's wrath. God made Him to be sin for us. The result of propitiation is man's reconciliation to God. II Cor. 5:21; Romans 3:25-26
Reconciliation - The restoration of believers into a harmonious relationship with the Lord. Romans 5:10 & 11; Romans 11:15; Colossians 1:20
Saint - One who is faithful to God. Throughout the New Testament those who are faithful to God are greeted and recognized as saints. Romans 1:7; Romans 8: 27; Ephesians 1:1; Ephesians 2:19; I Corinthians 1:2; Philippians 1:1; Colossians 1:2; Jude 3
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