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The Study of Romans

Romans 9 - 11
Hurrah! We're ALL Eligible

Chapters 1-8 of Romans concludes with the complete acceptance of the Gentiles into God's kingdom. Now that Paul has finished speaking of those good things, the thought of his own people - the Jews - in their condition of rebellion against God and of rejecting the Messiah presses upon his heart. In chapter 9, Paul explains Israel's past election. Chapter 10 explains Israel's present rejection. Chapter 11 explains Israel's future reception.

  1. At the beginning of chapter 9, in what way is Paul like Moses, David and Jesus from the following references?

    Moses - Exodus 32:32

    David - II Samuel 18:33

    Jesus - John 15:13

  2. Israel had the blessings of the sonship, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, the promises, and the patriarchs. Because of these blessings, what was their false assumption? In general, what was the reality of their condition before God?

  3. If Israel isn't a child of God by flesh, who is a child of God? Does it include Jews only or is it open to all? Who is Israel in God's eyes? See also Galatians 3:29.

  4. Is God unjust to extend mercy to one person and withhold it from another? Does anyone deserve God's mercy or to be chosen by Him? Why or why not? See Romans 3:23 & Ephesians 2:8-9.

  5. From verse 16, upon what are God's promises dependent? Upon what are they not dependent?

  6. God was able to use Pharoah's hard heart to His glory. Paul is lamenting the hardness of Israel's heart. Self will, not God's will, is the cause of hardened hearts. What does the illustration of the potter and the clay have to do with Paul's discussion?

  7. Due to Israel's unbelief, they stumbled over the Messiah and rejected God. Therefore to whom did God grant righteousness?

  8. With all the blessings Israel had, they still rejected their own Messiah. How may we be in danger of stumbling and missing the same thing today even with all the advantages we have?

  9. In Romans 10:1-13, Paul explains that being sincere (having a zeal) for God is simply not enough. What is necessary to achieve righteousness?

  10. What does it mean to call upon the name of the Lord? Reconcile verse 13 with Matthew 7:21, Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21, & Acts 22:16.

  11. Discuss how to get the best pedicure in the world.

  12. From Romans 11:1-23, discuss if the Israelites had stumbled so far as to fall beyond recovery?

  13. What basic characteristics of God does Paul extol in verses 33 - 36?

  14. Romans 1-11 is Paul's deliverance of fundamental doctrine to the Romans. What basic principals have we learned?

Women IN God's Service

The Study of Romans - "Hurrah! We're ALL Eligible" (lesson 7)
Ladies Bible Class Lesson, 15 February 2000
West-Ark Church of Christ, Fort Smith, Arkansas
Copyright © 2000, West-Ark Church of Christ
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