We will sincerely appreciate your being with us. We pray that the worship will bless and encourage you. We also hope that you will want to return. Perhaps you are not familiar with the worship in a congregation of the Church of Christ. We know that the unfamiliar can be distracting and confusing. As we praise God and honor Jesus Christ, we do not want you to be distracted or confused.Our singing is without the accompaniment of instruments. We encourage everyone to participate in the singing as we praise God and Christ. As we sing, we want our spirits to commune with God through His Spirit. When Christianity began, Christian worship was very simple. It could occur anywhere among any people in any culture. All that was necessary for Christian worship were minds, hearts, and voices. We seek that same simplicity.
Public prayers will be led by men chosen from the congregation. Most worshipers participate by simply bowing their heads. You will be welcome to assume whatever submissive posture you are comfortable with in prayer.
Each Sunday we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus through Communion. As Jesus requested, we eat the unleavened bread to remember the physical body that He surrendered to death, and we drink the grape juice to remember His blood given for our forgiveness. Communion, also called the Lord's Supper, is a memorial act for Christians to observe. The decision to commune is each individual Christian's decision.
Each Sunday, members give money to support the work of this congregation. Such contributions fund the Lord's work. We do not expect visitors to contribute. If a visitor chooses to contribute, we gratefully accept the gift. However, the work of this congregation is the responsibility of its members.
Following the morning sermon of David Chadwell, we commonly sing a song of reflection or have a prayer. This is done to encourage each person to reflect on the lesson and make purposeful application.
An invitation is then offered for two reasons. The first is to encourage Christians who want the help and encouragement of public prayer to come forward during the invitation song. The second is to provide a convenient opportunity to the person who in faith and repentance wants to be baptized into Christ. We understand that Christ's invitation is open every day, every hour. Any time is the appropriate time for prayer or baptism.
If you wish further explanation about our worship or any aspect of Christian life, we would welcome an opportunity to study the Bible and share Christ with you. Ask any member to introduce you to one of the ministers or congregational leaders. Or you may call the church office at (479) 452-1240. Our address is 900 North Waldron Road at Grand Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas 72903, USA. Or we will be happy to respond by e-mail.
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9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Worship Assembly 6:00 p.m. - Assembly | 7:00 p.m. - Bible Study |
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