Lesson 11
Lesson Eleven
The Internal War
Text: Galatians 5:16-26
Before attending the class, read the text and think about/answer the questions.
- What two forces are at war within a Christian? Identify those two forces.
- Discuss the nature of "the deeds of the flesh."
- What warning did Paul give those Christians about Christians "who practice such
- Discuss the contrast between the nature of the fruit of the Spirit and the nature of the
deeds of the flesh.
- What will those who belong to Jesus Christ do?
- Those who let God's Spirit guide them should do what?
- What lifestyle(s) are not consistent with the Spirit's leadership?
- Personal thought/reflection question: this year, how can I encourage godly influences
in my life as I discourage ungodly influences in my life?
Copyright © 2003
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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