Lesson 10
Lesson Ten
Spiritual Goals
Text: Philippians 3:1-16
Before attending class, read the text and think about/answer the questions.
- Who was the true Israel (real nation of God)?
- What were Paul's Jewish credentials (that were similar to Jewish credentials
commonly used by many other Jewish people to create feelings of spiritual security
and confidence)?
- How did Paul look at those credentials?
- Paul considered past accomplishments as garbage. He left those things because he
wanted to gain Christ. Explain what Paul wanted in each of the following areas:
- To be found in Jesus Christ.
- To forfeit the "righteousness of my own" in order to gain the
righteousness God gives on the basis of faith.
- To "know" Christ.
- To "know" the power that made Christ's resurrection possible.
- That he might participate in Jesus' sufferings.
- That he might be conformed to Jesus' death.
- That he might experience final resurrection.
- What was Paul's attitude as a Christian toward himself?
- What attitude should mature Christians aspire to develop?
- Personal thought/reflection question: this year, how can I motivate myself to grow
toward greater spiritual maturity?
Copyright © 2003
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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