Lesson 4
Lesson Four
Empathy In Action
Text: Luke 10:25-37
Before attending class, read the lesson text and think about/answer the questions.
- Tell the story Jesus used in his parable.
- Discuss the attitudes Jews and Samaritans held toward each other.
- Did the Samaritan have an obvious reason for treating the injured Jew so kindly?
Explain your answer.
- Why did Jesus tell this parable? (see verse 29)
- What is the primary lesson of the parable?
- What is Christian empathy?
- Why does Christian empathy extend kindness to all kinds of people?
- How can today's Christian increase his or her kindness?
- How can a Christian use prayer to grow in being kind?
- Personal thought/reflection question: what can I do to be a kinder person this year?
Copyright © 2003
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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