Lesson 5
Lesson Five
Serving Others
Text: Matthew 25:31-46
Before attending the class, read the text and think about/answer the questions.
- Tell Jesus' story about the judgment. Remember that Jesus told this to a Jewish
- In this judgment scene:
- What occurred when the judgment began?
- Who was the judge?
- Who appeared before the judge?
- What was said to the blessed?
- Were they surprised? Explain your answer.
- Why were they blessed?
- What was said to the condemned?
- Were they surprised? Explain your answer.
- Why were they condemned?
- In faith filled spirituality, why is it important to help people in need?
- Personal thought/reflection question: how can I be more helpful to people in need this year?
Copyright © 2003
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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